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About CERTs

Steering Committee

Susan N. Gardner, PhD

Dr. Gardner is the Director of the Office of Surveillance and Biometrics, Center for Devices and Radiological Health at Food and Drug Administration (FDA). The Office has the lead role in ensuring device safety by providing premarket statistical review to establish indications for use and baselines for postapproval complication rates, the development of postapproval monitoring plans and ongoing postapproval surveillance, and coordination of Center-wide response to public health medical device issues. Dr. Gardner has led the Office in the development of innovative projects such as the Medial Product Surveillance Network (MedSun) and the Patient Safety News video for health care providers. Before joining the FDA in October of 1995, Dr. Gardner was an Associate Director for Health Studies at Westat, a social science research firm. She directed health research that included national health surveys, case control studies and clinical trials for the National Cancer Institute, the National Center for Health Statistics and other NIH agencies.

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