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About CERTs

Steering Committee

Elizabeth A. Chrischilles, PhD

Dr. Chrischilles is the principal investigator of the University of Iowa (UI) Older Adults CERTs. She is also Professor and Associate Head for Admissions and Curriculum in the Department of Epidemiology, College of Public Health, and adjunct Professor in the UI College of Pharmacy. Dr. Chrischilles directs the Health Effectiveness Research Center. The Center maintains a number of regional and national administrative databases used to study comparative effectiveness of various therapies with a particular emphasis on the elderly who are not well-represented in clinical trials. She also directs the database core for the Cancer and Aging program in the UI Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center. Dr. Chrischilles has led several studies in a network of pharmacy practitioners proficient in practice-based research. She is the immediate past Chair of the United States Pharmacopoeia Therapeutic Decision Making Expert Panel, charged to develop standards for drug-drug interaction criteria and principles for prospective drug utilization review programs.

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