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About CERTs

Steering Committee

Marc L. Berger, MD

Dr. Berger is Vice President of Outcomes Research and Management (ORM) in the U.S. Human Health Division at Merck & Co., Inc. While at Merck, Dr. Berger has held various positions of responsibility for Phase II to Phase IV clinical trials, outcomes research studies, and disease management programs. Prior to joining Merck, he was on the faculty of the University of Cincinnati School of Medicine.

Dr. Berger has co-authored numerous articles in outcomes research, health economics, and health policy. In addition to serving on the CERTs Steering Committee, he is a member of the CMS Medicare Coverage Advisory Committee (MCAC). He also serves on advisory boards for the Health Industry Forum and the Program on the Economic Evaluation of Medical Technology (PEEMT) at the Harvard Center for Risk Analysis, as well as the editorial advisory board of the journal Value in Health. Dr. Berger is a trustee of the Occupational and Environmental Health Foundation and the Merck Childhood Asthma Network, Inc. He holds appointments as Adjunct Senior Fellow at the Leonard Davis Institute of Health Economics at the University of Pennsylvania, Adjunct Professor in the Department of Health Policy and Administration at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Public Health, and Senior Scholar in the Department of Health Policy at Jefferson Medical College.

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