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Animal Intrastate Requirements

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Movement of Animals Within Colorado


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Fallow Deer & Elk (Cervids) All Other Species Than Cervids


Health Requirements for Fallow Deer and Elk (Alternative Livestock)

Licensed alternative livestock facilities will need to contact the State Veterinarian's office (303) 239-4161 and the Brand Board (303) 294-0895 to obtain movement approval before moving any alternative livestock off their facility.

Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) Requirements:


  1. Prior approval is required for all movement of alternative livestock within the state; after determination by the Division of Wildlife and the Department of Agriculture that the movement does not present a substantial risk of moving CWD, based on the location of the source and receiving facilities, presence of CWD in the wild in proximity to the facilities, length of surveillance at the source facility, fencing at the receiving facility, and other relevant factors. Provided, however, that if the receiving facility's CWD status is higher than the source facility's CWD status, the receiving facility shall assume and have the lower CWD status level.
  2. Upon receipt of any request to move alternative livestock within the state, the State Veterinarian shall forward the request and all necessary documentation, including, but not limited to, the status records for the facilities involved, to the Division of Wildlife for review and approval. The Division of Wildlife shall render its determination regarding risk within 5 working days of receipt of all necessary documentation. If no such determination is received by the State Veterinarian at the end of five working days, the State Veterinarian may presume that the Division has no objection to the requested movement.
  3. No evaluation of determination of CWD risk is required for alternative livestock shipped directly to slaughter or to a biosecure facility approved by the Division of Wildlife and the Dept of Agriculture.
  4. Upon discovery of any violation of this Part 4, both the source, if an instate facility, and the receiving Alternative Livestock facilities shall be placed under a stop movement order for a period of time not to exceed 60 months. All Alternative Livestock shipped illegally shall be destroyed and tested for CWD. If CWD is detected in any of the subject animals, the herd shall be quarantined and all privately owned fallow deer and elk which they have been in contact with shall also be destroyed and tested for CWD. In such cases, there shall be no obligation to compensate the owner of the animals. In addition, the State Veterinarian may reduce the CWD herd surveillance status to a level he or she deems appropriate, including reducing the status to zero (0) months. The State Veterinarian may take into account mitigating circumstances when determining other penalties. Egregious violations may result in revocation of the Alternative Livestock license after appropriate hearing before the Board.


Tuberculosis Requirements:


  1. TB Accredited  herds may move without any further TB testing requirements.
  2. Elk less than 12 months of age that originate from and were born in an accredited herd are not required to be tested. 
  3. If they are consigned to a "Colorado TB Tested Elk Herd", they can commingle immediately.
  4. Individual elk moving from Qualified TB herds (whole herd TB tested in the last 12 months), require a TB test within 90 days of movement.
  5. If they are consigned to a "Colorado Accredited Elk Herd", they must be kept in isolation away from other elk and cattle for 90 days and then retested.
  6. Non TB tested herds require a whole herd test and individual elk moving are required to be TB tested no sooner than 90 days after the whole herd test.
  7. Monitored TB herds are terminal herds and are not allowed to be moved except for slaughter.

Brand Inspection:


  1. Any movement of Alternative Livestock to the outside of the perimeter fence requires a Brand Inspection unless moved to an alternative livestock farm licensed by the same person and within 15 miles by the nearest passable road.

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Health Requirements for All Species of Animals Except Fallow Deer and Elk


There are no health requirements for movement of Animals within the State of Colorado.

Shows and Fairs:


  1. Shows and Fairs can establish their own requirements which must be followed in order to exhibit at them.

Brand Inspection:


  1. Livestock that are to be moved over 75 land miles within the State must be Brand Inspected.

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