NOAA Air Resources Laboratory

HYSPLIT4 Utilities Download


What is available for downloading

A Windows executable registered version Of HYSPLIT is available as a self installing file for registered HYSPLIT users. The package is complete in that it contains all the documentation and test data. However graphical interfaces such as Tcl/Tk, Ghostscript, and ImageMagick must be independently downloaded and installed prior to installing HYSPLIT (Tcl/Tk & Ghostscript are included and installed with the trial version of HYSPLIT). Recent versions of these auxilary programs have been tested with HYSPLIT through the GUI, and are available to download here for convenience. However, more recent and updated versions, including registration information, should be obtained from each of the Home Page sites listed below.

Installing the Tcl/Tk graphical user interface

Although not required to run the PC version of HYSPLIT, various GUI scripts are provided that use Tcl/Tk. The model can also be run from a DOS window using a command line interface. However, it is easier for novice users to use the Tcl/Tk interface. The standard HYSPLIT installation includes all the GUI scripts, but the Tcl/Tk interpreter is not part of the distribution. It should be downloaded and installed prior to HYSPLIT.

  • Get Tcl/Tk 8.4.14 (22 Mb)
  • Go to the Tcl/Tk Home Page - To register and find out more about Tcl/Tk.

    Installing the Ghostscript/Ghostview Postscript viewer

    The HYSPLIT trajectory and concentration programs create high resolution publication quality graphics files in Postscript format. These can be printed directly on any Postscript printer or viewed on the standard PC display and printed on any printer (even non-Postscript) if Ghostscript has been installed. Ghostscript and Ghostview are not part of the standard distribution and should be obtained and installed prior to HYSPLIT. Installation to directories different from their suggested defaults may require editing the HYSPLIT GUI launch script: \guicode\hysplit4.tcl. Although newer versions of Ghostscript are available, they do not work well with the most recent versions of ImageMagick.

  • Get Ghostscript 8.13 (8.3Mb)
  • Get Ghostview 4.6 (1.6Mb)
  • Go to the Ghostscript home page - To register and find out more about Ghostscript and Ghostview.

    Installing ImageMagick Graphics File Converter

    One feature of the GUI is the ability to convert the Postscript graphics output file to other graphical formats. This capability is enabled through the installation of ImageMagick, which requires the prior installation of Ghostscript. ImageMagick is not part of the distribution and should be obtained and installed prior to HYSPLIT.

  • Get ImageMagick 6.3 (6.8Mb)
  • Go to the ImageMagick home page - To register and find out more about ImageMagick:

    Predefined customized map background files

    All HYSPLIT Postscript output files were created using the PSPLOT graphics library. Maps are created from customized programs which all use the same ASCII map background file called Arlmap which can be found in the /graphics directory. This is a coarse resolution global file of political boundaries and coastlines. This file can be replaced by higher resolution customized files, either created by the user, or taken from our library of existing regional data files. The files are stored in ZIP format and when decompressed will create a new Arlmap file. Either rename the original file and place the new file in the /graphics directory, or if you want to maintain both files, put the new file in the /working directory. All graphical programs first look for the map background file in the local startup directory before looking in the /graphics directory. Map background files can also be selected through the GUI. If you create your own map background file and would like to share it here with other users, please contact the ARL webmaster at

    The following existing map background extracts are available for downloading:

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