July 14, 1998
News Release 98-051
Inv. No. 731-TA-768(F)


The United States International Trade Commission (ITC) has made an affirmative final determination that an industry in the United States is materially injured or threatened with material injury by reason of imports of fresh Atlantic salmon from Chile that the Department of Commerce has determined are sold in the United States at less than fair value.

The affirmative determination resulted from a 2-1 vote. Chairman Lynn M. Bragg and Vice Chairman Marcia E. Miller voted in the affirmative. Commissioner Carol T. Crawford voted in the negative.

As a result of the affirmative determination, the U.S. Department of Commerce will direct the U.S. Customs Service to impose antidumping duties on this product. The Commission's final phase countervailing duty investigation of this product was terminated on June 9, 1998, following the Department of Commerce's negative final determination of subsidies.

The Commission's public report Fresh Atlantic Salmon from Chile (Investigation No. 731-TA-768 (Final), USITC Publication 3116, July 1998) will contain the views of the Commission and information developed during the investigation.

Copies may be requested after August 5, 1998, by calling 202-205-1809 or from the Office of the Secretary, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20436. Requests may also be made by fax to 202-205-2104.


Investigation No. 731-TA-768 (Final)

Product Description: Fresh Atlantic salmon (species Salmo salar) is a seafood marketed for human consumption, either in "dressed" form (bled, gutted, and cleaned) or as cuts (fillets, steaks, or other portions). Dressed salmon is generally packaged wet, on ice in 50- to 70-pound boxes and has a shelf life of about 10 to 14 days. Cuts are processed from dressed salmon, with the fillet being the most popular cut form. Fillets and other cuts are generally packaged dry, with frozen gel packs in 10-pound Styrofoam boxes, and have a shelf life of about 8 to 10 days.

Status of Proceedings:

  1. Type of investigation:  Antidumping.
  2. Investigation requested by:  Coalition for Fair Atlantic Salmon Trade.
  3. Investigation instituted by USITC:  final phase instituted Jan. 16, 1998.
  4. Commission hearing:  June 3, 1998.
  5. USITC vote:  July 14, 1998.
  6. USITC determination to the U.S. Department of Commerce:  July 22, 1998.

U.S. Industry:

  1. Number of producers in 1997:  Thirteen.
  2. Location of producers' plants:  Maine and Washington state.
  3. Employment of production and related workers:  475.
  4. Apparent U.S. consumption in 1997: (1)
  5. Ratio of total U.S. shipments of imports to total U.S. consumption in 1997: (1)

U.S. Imports:

  1. Quantity of subject imports in 1997: (1)
  2. Value of subject imports in 1997: (1)

(1) Withheld to avoid disclosure of confidential business information
