April 22, 1998
News Release 98-026


U.S. industries are placing a growing emphasis on improving the processes used to manufacture the component materials of a wide range of commercial products. From ceramic composites to steel, both the industries that produce the component materials and the downstream industries that use them in parts and final products are finding that their global competitiveness is directly affected by the adoption of new manufacturing processes for materials (NMPM), according to Commercialization of New Manufacturing Processes for Materials, a new staff research study by the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC) Office of Industries.

The publication compiles a variety of articles on NMPM, a complex and rapidly evolving subject area, that were developed by ITC staff as part of their ongoing research and published individually in previous issues of the Industry, Trade, and Technology Review, a quarterly publication of the ITC Office of Industries. Most articles included in the staff research study have been updated to reflect recent developments.

The research study was prepared by ITC staff. The findings included in the publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the U.S. International Trade Commission or any of the Commissioners.

The staff research presented in the publication examines several different NMPM in various stages of development and commercialization; factors affecting adoption of NMPM; benefits and drawbacks as compared with conventional processes; industries and companies involved and interactions between them; the role of the government in commercialization; and the extent of adoption of new processes in the United States and foreign countries. Principal findings include:

Commercialization of New Manufacturing Processes for Materials (Staff Research Study Number 22, USITC publication 3100, April 1998) will be available on the ITC's Internet server at www.usitc.gov. The study will also be available at regional federal depository libraries in the United States. To request a printed copy, contact the Office of the Secretary, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, SW, Washington, DC 20436. Requests may be faxed to 202-205-2104.

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