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Top Inventions of 2008

A researcher holds one of the completed lenses.

New inventions of 2008 include: smog-earing cement, high altitude flying windmills, bionic contacts, and pig-urine plastic.

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Who Trademarked the Words SUPER BOWL?

Wednesday January 14, 2009
footballDid you know that the NFL (National Football League) holds the intellectual property rights to both the trademarked words SUPER BOWL and the copyrighted game broadcast? According to a New Jersey Law Magazine article*, the NFL has successfully protected against unauthorized public viewing of the copyrighted broadcast of the SUPER BOWL and trademark enforcement of unlicensed merchandise using the SUPER BOWL mark or the marks and logos of the participating teams. The article goes on to say that when the euphuism THE BIG GAME become so popular that it became a substitute for the term SUPER BOWL, the NFL filed a trademark application for THE BIG GAME. However, due to public outcry the NFL dropped its trademark application. Photo: Pigskin aka Football Playing Ball by freephotos.

As The World Turns

Saturday January 10, 2009
mapBefore 1450, nearly everyone thought that the earth was flat and that wheels drove the sun, stars and the moon. People also thought that the earth was the center of all stars which were stuck in some giant awning that covered the earth.

Learn about the invention of the first globes. Miniature representations of the earth in the form of globes and terrain models called armillary spheres have a long history. Illustration Mary Bellis

2008 Flops

Thursday January 8, 2009
failureI've given you my opinion of the Top Inventions of 2008. Now let's hear a few opinions on the worst inventions for 2008. It's interesting to read on what is being considered a flop for 2008, even if you disagree (Spore Rules).

Switched website spills the beans with Top Tech Flops of 2008, which lists the following: the CNN Hologram, Apple's MobileMe, the social-networking site Pownce, the BlackBerry Storm, and more. They give several solid reasons why they think these items were not the greatest.

Icrontic reports on the Top 10 Failures in Tech for 2008, and dishes some interesting items including Spore DRM for it's limitation on reinstallments, and LCD Price Fixing.

Fortune reports on the 2008's 9 Top Tech Flops, and gives the tech thumbs down for T-Mobile G1, Zune, MacBook Air, Sony Blu-ray DVD player, Spore, Vista Home Premium, and more.

Avant News 10 Worst Ideas and Inventions of 2008 reports that, "for every good idea there are dozens of bad ideas." Take this list with a grain of salt as it was intended to be tongue-in-cheek commentary. Photo Getty Images/Roy Hsu

2008 Makeovers

Tuesday January 6, 2009
Makeovers are popular. From houses to housewives, we all love to see how we can revamp ourselves and our enviroment. Walletpop just reported on the best brand name makeovers for 2008. Walletpop reports in Big Name Makeovers 2008, "What's a company to do when sales slump and interest in its product or service fades? One option: A major makeover."


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