December 29, 2004
News Release 04-133


Delbert R. "Chip" Terrill, Jr., an Administrative Law Judge (ALJ) at the U.S. International Trade Commission (ITC), will retire from U.S. government service on January 3, 2005.

Terrill is retiring after 39 years of federal government service, over 15 years of which have been as a federal ALJ. He joined the ITC in 2001 after having served as an ALJ with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for more than 13 years. Prior to that, he served as an ALJ with the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission in Boston, Massachusetts.

Terrills federal government service is broad and diverse. He enlisted in the U.S. Air Force in 1965, and in 1966, he received a Congressional appointment to the U.S. Air Force Academy, from which he was graduated in 1970. He served for more than five years on active duty and for 25 years as a Reserve officer, reaching the rank of Colonel. In his last military assignment, he was the Individual Mobilization Augmentee to the Commander of the Air Force History Support Office. While he was assigned to the Office of Air Force History, the Air University Press published his book The Air Force Role in Developing International Outer Space. For his 30 years of commissioned service, he was awarded the Legion of Merit.

While still on active duty, Terrill was asked by the Ford Administration to serve on the staff of its Clemency Board. From there, he moved to Capitol Hill, where he served as legislative and legal counsel to two U.S. Senators and three Congressmen. Subsequently, he served as a trial attorney with the Office of Special Counsel defending government whistleblowers and as a Special Assistant U.S. Attorney handling predominantly drug prosecutions in the Superior Court for the District of Columbia. Before being appointed an Administrative Law Judge in 1989, he served as a trial attorney and Administrative Judge/Hearing Examiner with the Department of Defenses Directorate for Industrial Security Clearance Review.

Terrill was born in Detroit, Michigan, but spent most of his formative years in Charlevoix, Michigan. In addition to receiving a bachelor of science degree from the U.S. Air Force Academy, he received a Juris Doctorate from the Georgetown University Law Center and a second bachelor of science degree in business and management from the University of Maryland.

Upon retirement, Terrill will become Counsel to the law firm of White & Case in its Washington, D.C. office. He also looks forward to continuing his involvement in his long time avocation and passion -- soccer.

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