November 5, 2004
News Release 04-113
Inv. No. 731-TA-1056 (Final)


The United States International Trade Commission (ITC) today determined that a U.S. industry is neither materially injured nor threatened with material injury by reason of imports of certain aluminum plate from South Africa that the U.S. Department of Commerce has determined are sold in the United States at less than fair value.

Vice Chairman Deanna Tanner Okun and Commissioners Marcia E. Miller, Jennifer A. Hillman, and Daniel R. Pearson voted in the negative. Chairman Stephen Koplan and Commissioner Charlotte R. Lane voted in the affirmative.

As a result of the Commission's negative determination, no antidumping duty order will be issued on imports of these products from South Africa.

The Commission's public report Certain Aluminum Plate from South Africa (Investigation No. 731- TA-1056 (Final), USITC Publication 3734, November 2004) will contain the views of the Commission and information developed during the investigation.

Copies may be obtained after December 9, 2004, by calling 202-205-1809 or from the Office of the Secretary, 500 E Street SW, Washington, DC 20436. Requests may also be made by fax to 202- 205-2104.

Office of Industries
Washington, DC 20436


Certain Aluminum Plate from South Africa
Investigation No. 731-TA-1056 (Final)

Product Description:

The product covered by this investigation is 6000 series aluminum alloy, flat surface, rolled plate, whether in coils or cut-to-length plate forms, that is rectangular in cross section with or without rounded corners and with thickness of not less than 0.250 inch (6.3 millimeters). Excluded from the scope of this investigation are extruded aluminum products and tread plate. The merchandise subject to this investigation is classified in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States under subheading 7606.12.30 (statistical reporting number 7606.12.3030).

Status of Proceedings:

1. Type of investigation:  Final antidumping.
2. Petitioner:  Alcoa Inc.
3. Investigation instituted by USITC:  October 16, 2003.
4. Hearing:  October 5, 2004.
5. USITC vote:  November 5, 2004.
6. USITC notification of Department of Commerce:  November 18, 2004.

U.S. Industry:

1. Number of U.S. producers:  Three.
2. Production volume is concentrated in Iowa, Washington, and West Virginia.
3. Employment of production and related workers:  212.
4. U.S. producers' domestic shipments in 2003:  39,092 short tons (valued at $121 million).
5. U.S. apparent domestic consumption in 2003:  58,017 short tons (valued at $177 million).
6. Ratio of quantity of total imports to U.S. apparent consumption in 2003: (1) 

U.S. Imports:
1. Quantity of subject imports in 2003: (1)
2. Value of subject imports in 1998:  (1)

(1) Withheld to avoid disclosure of business proprietary information.

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