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Tracer Experiment Data Archive

Most of the data files are simple formatted ascii files (.dat). Some may have been compressed using PKZIP (.ZIP) for PC's or for UNIX as a compressed tar file (.tar.Z). The file formats are described in the corresponding data reports. Each report has been scanned and saved in PCX format, one file per page, compressed into a ZIP file. In addition most reports have been converted to PDF for direct viewing. In addition, a set of CDs containing the tracer data are available by special request under the Data Archive of Tracer Experiments and Meteorology (DATEM) program.

METREX Data Archive

The METREX experiment consisted of 6 hour emissions of perfluorocarbons simulaneously, from two different locations, every 36 hours. The tracer release locations were in suburban Washington, D.C, while 8 hour air samples were colleced at three locations within the urban area. The experiment ran for one full year. In addition monthly air concentration samples were collected at about 60 locations throughout the region.
METREX readme file 			(.TXT, 8K)
Emission amounts 			(.dat, 6K)  
Sequential 8h samples 			(.dat, 40K)    
Monthly sampling start times 		(.dat, 8K)
PP1 (pmcp) monthly samples 		(.dat, 8K)
PP2 (pmch) monthly samples 		(.dat, 8K)
PP3 (pdch) monthly samples 		(.dat, 8K)
Tethersonde soundings 			(.dat, 78K)
NOAA station meteo data 		(.dat, 728K)
Local government meteo data  		(.dat, 1014K)
Tower meteorological data   		(.dat, 2572K)
 METREX Data Report for PC 		(.ZIP, 2341K) 
 METREX Data Report (Adobe)		(.PDF, 1.2MB) 

CAPTEX Data Archive

The CAPTEX experiment consisted of 5 perfluorocarbon releases from Dayton, Ohio, and 2 from Sudbury, Ontario. Six hour average air samples were collected at sites over the northeastern U.S. for each release. In addition extensive aircraft tracer measurements are available.
 CAPTEX readme file 			(.TXT, 2K)
 Sampling station positions 		(.dat, 2K) 
 Surface tracer measurements 		(.dat, 78K)
 Aircraft sampling data format 		(.dat, 1K)
 Aircraft sampling tracer data 		(.dat, 92K)
 Rawinsonde observations - exp 1 	(.dat, 124K) 
 Rawinsonde observations - exp 2 	(.dat, 144K) 
 Rawinsonde observations - exp 3 	(.dat, 142K) 
 Rawinsonde observations - exp 4 	(.dat, 116K)
 Rawinsonde observations - exp 5 	(.dat, 140K) 
 Rawinsonde observations - exp 6 	(.dat, 124K) 
 Rawinsonde observations - exp 7 	(.dat, 110K)
 CAPTEX Data Report for PC 		(.ZIP, 3234K) 
 CAPTEX Data Report (Adobe) 		(.pdf, 1.6MB) 
 PRE-CAPTEX Data Report for PC  	(.ZIP, 4144K)
 PRE-CAPTEX Data Report (Adobe) 	(.pdf, 2.6MB) 

ANATEX Data Archive

The ANATEX experiment was conducted for a three month period and consisted of 3 hour perfluorocarbon releases simultaneously from Glasgow, Montana, and St. Cloud, Minnesota. Tracer releases were made every 60 hours regardless of the meteorological conditions. Air concentrations were measured as daily averages at most weather stations in the eastern half of the U.S. and southern Canada. In addition, aircraft tracer measurements were made near each release location. Other sampling was conducted along an arc of towers, as well as at a few remote locations on the west coast of the US and Europe.
ANATEX readme file 			(.TXT, 2K)
Surface sampling locations  		(.dat, 6K)
Surface sampling concentrations  	(.dat, 395K)
24 hour tower concentrations  		(.dat, 85K)
6 hour tower-top concentrations  	(.dat, 85K)
6 hour tower-bottom concentrations  	(.dat, 85K)
Remote sampling network concentrations  (.dat, 15K)
Rawinsonde observations Jan 1987  	(.dat.Z, 1500K)
Rawinsonde observations Feb 1987  	(.dat.Z, 1500K)
Rawinsonde observations Mar 1987  	(.dat.Z, 1600K)
Hourly meteo surface data Jan 1987 	(.dat.Z, 7200K)
Hourly meteo surface data Feb 1987 	(.dat.Z, 8000K)
Hourly meteo surface data Mar 1987  	(.dat.Z, 9000K)
Surface sampling report (ARL-167) PC 	(.ZIP, 6.2MB)
Surface sampling report (ARL-167) 	(.pdf, 3.6MB)
Remote sampling report (ARL-175)  PC 	(.ZIP, 3.8MB)
Remote sampling report (ARL-175)   	(.pdf, 2.2MB)
Aircraft sampling report (ARL-177) PC 	(.ZIP, 6.2MB)
Aircraft sampling report (ARL-177) 	(.pdf, 3.6MB)
Tracer and Weather Maps (ARL-165) PC 	(.ZIP, 7.5MB)
Tracer and Weather Maps (ARL-165)   	(.pdf, 3.7MB)

ACURATE Data Archive

The ACURATE experiment consisted of measuring the Krypton-85 air concentrations from emissions of the Savannah River Plant. Twice-daily (12h) average air concentrations were collected for over one year at 5 locations along the east coast of the U.S.
 ACURATE readme file 			(.TXT, 2K)
 Kr-85 measurement data 		(.dat, 60K) 
 Kr-85 hourly emission data 		(.dat, 94K)
 ACURATE Data Report (ARL-130) PC 	(.ZIP, 5.7MB)
 ACURATE Data Report (ARL-130)   	(.pdf, 3.6MB)
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