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Bering and Chukchi Sea Databases

Bathymetry Coverages Bering and Chukchi Seas

We recommend the following bathymetry sources:

International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean (IBCAO)

NOAA Arctic Theme Page

9km Grid Arctic Bathymetry under Development at the Naval Postgraduate School

USGS bathymetry products provided here are for technical archiving purposes only.


The Alaska Science Center - Biological Science Office created these digital bathymetry coverages to support marine animal research in the Bering and Chukchi Seas. Polygon ARC/INFO coverages were generated from both digital and paper bathymetry sources. For complete information on the history, accuracy, and usage of each coverage, download and read its metadata file. Please include the metadata if you share these coverages with others.The Bathymetry Report contains details on source bathymteric data selection, processing, and literature citations.

Download Instructions

All of the bathymetry coverages may be downloaded via anonymous ftp by following the links below.   The bathymetry data available for download  are stored in Arc/Info interchange format (*.e00 files). This is a proprietary file format that cannot even be used directly by Arc/Info or ArcView.   The ".e00" file must first be imported by ArcInfo or ArcView, using the "Import" command in Arc/Info or the "Import 71" utility in ArcView.   Importing converts the ".e00" to a standard Arc coverage (two files - a "coverage" file and an "Info" file).  Once imported, these coverages can be read by either ArcInfo or ArcView, and can be exported in a number of formats, including ASCII text.The data files are all compressed in both WinZip and GZip formats.  Download data in the compression format most suited to your platform.   Uncompress the files using the gzip utility (available at or the WinZip utility (available at prior to importing into Arc/Info or ArcView.For complete information on the history, accuracy, and usage of each coverage, download and read its metadata file. Please include the metadata if you share these coverages with others.  User support is not available for these coverages, and no guarantee is made of their accuracy or suitability for any particular use. 

Data and Metadata

Extent of NOS Bathymtery Coverage NOS Bathymetry of United States Waters

Large-scale (1:250,000). Includes U.S. coast to 200m depth contour and US/Russia boundary. Also contributes Bristol Bay, Alaska.

Extent of USGS Chukchi Sea Coverage USGS Chukchi Sea Bathymetry Large-scale (1:1,000,000) from Bering Strait to Herald Island. Contributes Russian side of Chukchi Sea.
Extent of USGS Bering/Chukchi Coverage USGS Bering and Chukchi Sea Bathymetry Small-scale (1:2,500,000), but broad coverage contributes Wrangel Island, Russia and the entire Aleutian chain.
Extent of Bering Strait Bathy Coverage USGS Bering Strait Bathymetry Large-scale (1:1,000,000) cover of Russian side of Bering Strait. Complements the NOS Bathymetry of U.S. Waters.
Extent of Gulf of Anadyr Coverage GSA Gulf of Anadyr Bathymetry Large-scale (1:1,000,000) cover of northwest Bering Sea. Complements the NOS Bathymetry of U.S. Waters.

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