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FEB 2 7 1998

To: Lenders, holders, and servicers participating in the Health Education Assistance (HEAL) Program

Subject: Amendment to Lender Policy Memorandum L-1998-3 on Borrower Loan Status (BLS)
Lender Policy Memorandum L- 1998-8

The HEAL Program has been in the midst of converting from a mainframe computer database system to a client-server database system. All of the necessary data files have not been transferred to the new client-server system at this time. Therefore, it is necessary to again delay the implementation date of the new Borrower Loan Status guidelines. The first reporting period will now be for the period ending July 30, 1998 with the first monthly report to be submitted to the HEAL Program on or before August 10, 1998.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause your organization, but hope you will bear with us. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Terri Ehrenfeld or Ms. Denise Sorrell of the HEAL Program at (301) 443-1540.

Stephen J. Boehlert
Associate Division Director, HEAL
Division of Student Assistance


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