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JUN 27 1994

TO: Lenders in the Health Education Assistance Loan (HEAL) Program

SUBJECT: HEAL School Performance Standard--School Default Rates as of September 30, 1993
Lender Policy Memorandum L-94-14

Attached you will find either a hardcopy list or a floppy disk and hardcopy list of HEAL schools and their respective default rates as of September 30, 1993. As stated in our lender policy memorandum #93-9, these rates will form the basis for charging schools an insurance premium on loans with first disbursements occurring during the period July 1, 1994 through June 30, 1995 in accordance with the HEAL School Performance Standard.

Should you have questions concerning these lists, please contact Ms. Jennifer Dozier at (301) 443-1540.

Stephen  J.  Boehlert
Chief, HEAL Branch
Division of Student Assistance


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