Forensic Laboratory Support

ATF's laboratory system is composed of the National Laboratory Center (NLC) in Rockville, Maryland, and the regional laboratories in Atlanta, Georgia, and San Francisco, California. The NLC is the second-oldest Federal laboratory in the United States. In addition, ATF's laboratories hold the distinction of being the first Federal laboratory system accredited by the American Society of Crime Laboratory Directors.

These multi-disciplined laboratories support the Bureau's explosives and arson programs. The laboratories routinely examine arson debris to detect accelerants, as well as intact and functioned explosive devices and explosives debris to identify device components and the explosives used. The laboratories also provide trace evidence comparisons. In 1995, the laboratories nationwide examined evidence from 529 explosives cases and 346 arson cases.

In 1995, the NLC started using EGIS Explosives Detectors in the examination of explosives residue in postblast explosive scenes. The instruments use high-speed gas chromatography, coupled with highly specific chemiluminescent detection, to identify explosive compounds. An EGIS explosives detector was used in the Oklahoma City bombing investigation.

As well as providing the full range of traditional forensic analysis, the NLC maintains liaison with explosives manufacturers, who provide the laboratories with exemplars of new explosives products on the market.