Hawaii State Legislature

2008 Legislative Session
All Judiciary, Department, and Miscellaneous Communications
Generated on 9/15/2008 6:03:42 PM
ViewMeasure, Title, and DescriptionIntroducer(s)
DC1 None
From the Department of the Attorney General, transmitting a report, "Crime in Hawaii, 2005, A Review of Uniform Crime Reports.
DC2 None
From the Department of Business, Economic Development, and Tourism dated September 7, 2007, transmitting the 2007 Hawaii Data Disc containing the 2002-2006 State of Hawaii Data Books.
DC3 None
From the University of Hawai'i dated November 5, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report on the University of Hawai`i's Continued Participation in the Western Interstate Commission of Higher Education.
DC4 None
From the University of Hawai`i dated November 5, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report on Energy Efficient Design Standards for the University of Hawai`i at Manoa.
DC5 None
From the University of Hawai`i dated November 21, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report on Salaries Paid to Executive/Managerial and Faculty Employees.
DC6 None
From the University of Hawai`i dated November 26, 2007, transmitting the Annual Report on Teacher Education Coordinating Committee.
DC7 None
From the State Ombudsman dated December 21, 2007, transmitting its Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2006-2007 (Report No. 38).
DC8 None
From the State Auditor dated January 7, 2008, transmitting a report, "Sunrise Analysis: Destination Clubs" (Report No. 08-01).
DC9 None
From the State Auditor dated December 31, 2007, transmitting a report, "Hawai'i Broadband Task Force Initial Report."
DC10 None
From the State Auditor dated December 27, 2007, transmitting a report, "Hawai`i 2050 Sustainability Task Force Report."
DC11 None
From the State Auditor dated December 27, 2007, transmitting a report, "Hawai`i Identity Theft Task Force Report."
DC12 None
From the State Auditor dated December 26, 2007, transmitting a report, "Systemwide Financial Audit of the University of Hawai`i System: Phase II" (Report No. 07-08).
DC13 None
From the State Auditor dated December 26, 2007, transmitting a report, "Financial Audit of the Department of Human Resources Development" (Report No. 07-09).
DC14 None
From the State Auditor dated October 25, 2007, transmitting a report, "Review of Revolving Funds, Trust Funds, and Trust Accounts of the Departments of Human Resources Development, Labor and Industrial Relations, Public Safety, and Taxation," (Report No. 07-07).
DC15 None
From the Hawaii Labor Relations Board dated August 22, 2007, transmitting the 2006-2007 Annual Report.
DC16 None
From the Office of Hawaiian Affairs's Temporary Advising Commission on Bioprospecting dated December 20, 2007, transmitting a letter stating its intentions to submit their report pursuant to H.C.R. No. 193 (2006) during the Regular Session of 2008.
DC17 None
From the City and County of Honolulu Police Department dated December 3, 2007, transmitting the 2007 Annual Misconduct Report pursuant to Section 52D-3.5, HRS.
DC18 None
From the County of Maui Police Department dated December 31, 2007, transmitting a report of Disciplinary Action Imposed, Suspensions and Terminations for Calendar Year 2007 pursuant to Section 52D-3.5, HRS.
DC19 None
From the County of Maui Police Department dated December 31, 2007, transmitting a misconduct report pursuant to Section 52D-3.5, HRS.
DC20 None
From the County of Hawaii Police Department dated December 10, 2007, transmitting the 2007 Annual Misconduct Report pursuant to Chapter 52D-3.5, HRS.
DC21 None
From the University of Hawaii, dated January 10, 2008, transmitting the Annual Report on the University of Hawaii Tuition and Fees Special Fund Expenditures for the Purpose of Generating Private Donations.
DC22 None
From the Department of Education dated January 14, 2008, transmitting its List of Capital Improvements Program Projects.
DC23 None
From the Department of the Attorney General, transmitting the Crime and Justice in Hawaii: 2005 Household Survey Report.
DC24 None
From the Department of Budget and Finance dated January 18, 2008, transmitting the Executive Supplemental Budget for the Period 2007-2009, pursuant to Section 37-72, HRS, and The Variance Report for FYs 2007-2008, pursuant to Section 37-75, HRS.
DC25 None
From the State Auditor dated January 22, 2008, transmitting a report, "Management Audit of the Department of Education's Hawaiian Studies Program," (Report No. 08-02).
DC26 None
From the Department of Health dated January 8, 2008, transmitting the Hawaii Physical Activity and Nutrition Plan 2007-2012, pursuant to Act 304, SLH 1999.
DC27 None
From the Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism dated February 6, 2008, transmitting the 2006 State of Hawaii Data Book - A Statistical Abstract.
DC28 None
From the State Auditor dated February 19, 2008, transmitting a report, "Financial and Management Audit of the Moloka'i Irrigation System," (Report No. 08-03).
DC29 None
From the Department of Education dated February 15, 2008, transmitting the Annual Report for Repair and Maintenance pursuant to Sections 36-35, 36-36, and 302A-1312, HRS.
DC30 None
From the Department of Education dated February 15, 2008, transmitting the Hawaii 3R's School Repair and Maintenance Fund Report pursuant to Section 302A-1502.4, HRS, and Act 213, Section 81, SLH 2007.
DC31 None
From the Department of Education dated February 15, 2008, transmitting the Educational Workforce Work Group Report pursuant to Act 283, SLH 2007.
DC32 None
From the Department of Education dated February 19, 2008, transmitting its Planned Repair and Maintenance Projects for Fiscal Year 2008-2009.
DC33 None
Letter from the City Clerk, City and County of Honolulu, dated February 21, 2008, informing the Legislature that the Council of the City and County of Honolulu adopted Resolution 08-26 on February 20, 2008.
DC34 None
From the State Auditor dated February 26, 2008, transmitting a report, "Sunrise Analysis: Debt-Management Service Providers," (Report No. 08-04).
DC35 None
From the State Auditor dated March 5, 2008, transmitting a report, "Study of the Social and Financial Impacts of Mandatory Health Insurance Coverage for Use of Intelligent Medical Vigilance Services in Acute Care Hospitals," (Report No. 08-05).
DC36 None
From the Department of Budget and Finance, Public Utilities Commission, dated March 11, 2008, transmitting a report pursuant to Section 269-16(d), HRS, in the Matter of the Application of Waikoloa Resort Utilities, Inc., dba West Hawaii Utility Company, for Approval to Increase Rates.
DC37 None
From the State Auditor dated March 13, 2008, transmitting a report, "Sunset Evaluation: Mental Health Counselors," (Report No. 08-06).
DC38 None
from the State Auditor dated March 18, 2008, transmitting a report, "Sunrise Report: Condominium Commission," (Report No. 08-07).
DC39 None
From the Office of Hawaiian Affairs dated March 11, 2008, transmitting the Final Report of the Hawaii State Temporary Advisory Commission on Bioprospecting pursuant to H.C.R. No. 193 (2006).
DC40 None
From the Department of Education dated March 24, 2008, transmitting the Superintendent's 18th Annual Report for School Year 2006-2007.
DC41 None
From the State Auditor dated April 16, 2008, transmitting a report, "Performance Audit on the State Administration's Actions Exempting Certain Harbor Improvements to Facilitate Large Capacity Ferry Vessels from the Requirements of the Hawai'i Environmental Impact Statements law: Phase I," (Report No.08-09).
DC42 None
From the State Auditor dated April 16, 2008, transmitting a report, "Financial Review of the Hawaii Health Systems Corporation," (Report No. 08-08).
DC43 None
From the Department of Health dated March 27, 2008, transmitting the "Hawaii Physical Activity and Nutrition Surveillance Report 2008."
DC44 None
From the State Auditor dated April 17, 2008, transmitting its 2007 Annual Report.
JC1 None
Submitting for consideration and confirmation to the District Court of the Third Circuit, Judicial Nominee ANTHONY K. BARTHOLOMEW.
MC1 None
From the Honorable Colleen Hanabusa, President of the Senate, and the Honorable Calvin K.Y. Say, Speaker of the House of Representatives, dated April 7, 2008, transmitting a Legislative Communication authorizing an exception to the 2008 Legislative Timetable for H.B. No. 2250, H.D. 1, to process, transmit and receive said measure, as appropriate to meet Constitutional bill passage requirements.
MC2 None
From the Honorable Colleen Hanabusa, President of the Senate, and the Honorable Calvin K.Y. Say, Speaker of the House of Representatives, dated April 14, 2008, transmitting a Legislative Communication authorizing an exception to the 2008 Legislative Timetable for S.B. No. 69, S.D. 2, H.D. 2, to process, transmit and receive said measure, as appropriate to meet Constitutional bill passage requirements.
MC3 None
From the Honorable Colleen Hanabusa, President of the Senate, and the Honorable Calvin K.Y. Say, Speaker of the House of Representatives, dated April 26, 2008, transmitting a Legislative Communication amending the Joint 2008 Legislative Calendar to extend the Final Decking deadline from 12:00 midnight, April 25, 2008, to 12:00 noon, April 26, 2008.

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$ = Appropriation measure
ConAm = Constitutional Amendment

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