Compliance Advisory
February 15, 2001

This Advisory is provided to inform you about activities of the District which may affect your operation. It is hoped that it will assist you in your effort to achieve and maintain compliance with applicable air pollution rules and regulations.

The Power Crisis and Compliance

Advisory #1 


The Bay Area is experiencing a power shortage that may result in a loss of power with little or no notice. The immediate loss of power may result in an upset of process and/or emissions control equipment, which may cause a violation of an emissions standard or other regulatory requirement. The District is aware of the additional burden this may place on the operators of sources of air pollutants and the potential liability associated with those violations.

Breakdown Relief

District Regulation 1-112 provides that  "The APCO (Air Pollution Control Officer) may refrain from enforcing the provisions of District regulations for excesses of emissions resulting from the breakdown of air pollution abatement equipment or operating equipment provided such emissions do not interfere with the attainment or maintenance of any national or California ambient air quality standard ..."

Loss of power may be deemed to be a breakdown when it is a result of circumstances beyond the reasonable control of the operator, and when the operator has taken appropriate actions to minimize the impact of such emissions.

What to Do in the Event of a Power Loss

If a power loss causes process and/or control equipment to violate an emission standard or Permit to Operate limitation, the source operator should proceed as follows:

  • Notify the District through the Compliance and Enforcement Division as soon as practicable
  • Provide as much information as possible about the event
  • Report the breakdown by Phone (415) 749-4666 or Fax (415) 928-0338
  • A copy of theBreakdown Reporting Form can be downloaded.

If you have questions please contact our Compliance Assistance Counselor at (415) 749-4999.

Please take a moment to familiarize yourself and your operators with District regulations relating to breakdown:

Regulation 1-112 Breakdown
1-113 Discretionary Enforcement Breakdown
1-208 Breakdown (malfunction) 
1-215 Facility
1-219 Operation
1-240 Abatement Device
1-430 Breakdown Procedures
1-431 Breakdown Report
1-432 Written Breakdown Report
1-433 Determination of Breakdown
1-434 Administrative Violation Breakdown 

Also see The Power Crisis and Compliance - Advisory # 2.