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Homeowner Menu

The Governor’s Energy Office (GEO) offers a number of resources and programs to help Colorado residents bring the New Energy Economy home. Use this section as your guide to the GEO website, and as a roadmap for your personal energy conservation action plan.

Take Action, Save Money
Taking part in the New Energy Economy can be simple AND save you money. There are several sections on this website that include information about ways you can conserve energy:

  • Green Tips Checklist - a checklist to help you make green choices every day.
  • Home Energy Conservation Checklist – a simple checklist to help you save energy in your home.
  • Efficiency in the Home –in depth information about energy efficiency measures in the home. Topics include insulation, lighting, space heating and cooling, appliances and more.
  • Renewables - information about renewable energy technologies including solar, wind, geothermal, biomass and biofuels.

GEO aims to connect Colorado residents with the experts and organizations that are pioneering a New Energy Economy. This website includes information about energy organizations, financial incentives, energy policy and educational opportunities:

GEO Programs & Incentives
GEO partners with local governments and organizations to implement its programs and incentives. As a Colorado resident, your first step in participating in GEO’s programs is determining whether or not the program is being offered in your area, and if so, who you need to contact to determine whether or not you are eligible. This information can be found on each program’s website page:


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