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Welcome to the City of Chattanooga's Education, Arts & Culture Website

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The Department of Education Arts & Culture (EAC) led by Administrator Missy Crutchfield and City Council Committee Chair Marti Rutherford, is the creative office of the Littlefield administration. This is where ideas flow and creative opportunities flourish for education and outreach. Many projects are already underway. Renovation and restoration are continuing in the civic facilities to maintain first class venues to present top level performances and programs.

The EAC has a mission to develop a broad base of programs that will give residents of all ages, incomes and ethnicity a chance to connect the dots between social issues and the arts.

The EAC emphasizes mentoring, new approaches to literacy and learning, purpose-driven social networking events, multi-cultural outreach, and gender-specific programs for boys and girls emphasizing healthy relationships and peer-to-peer programs. Our anti-gang initiative emphasizes team building and arts-based career programs.

Our programs and events are open to the entire community.

"There's a role for everyone to play!"

Missy Crutchfield

"EAC believes that cultural programs and the arts play an important part in a well-rounded education. Participation in the arts expands your horizons, preserves our cultural heritage, enriches our quality of life, nurtures creativity, fosters appreciation for diversity, provides lifelong learning opportunities, and boosts the economy.

Art is the true language of education, but it is also the language of life. Celebrate art, celebrate diversity, celebrate life!"

Missy Crutchfield, EAC Administrator