The Earth Observer

March/April 1996, Vol.8, No.2


Outstanding Scientists Receive AGU Honors in 1996

Robert E. Dickinson, University of Arizona, will receive the Roger Revelle Medal for a range of contributions to the atmospheric sciences from the climate of the early Earth to future climate change through development of general circulation models.

Inez Yau Sheung Fung, Kuo-Nan Liou, , and Richard S. Stolarski were among those chosen as 1996 AGU Fellows.

James E. Hansen, Director of the Goddard Institute for Space Studies and an MTPE/EOS colleague, on his election to the National Academy of Sciences.

Philip N. Slater, a remote sensing scientist at the University of Arizona, and an MTPE/EOS colleague, received the 1995 William T. Pecora Award during ceremonies held on February 27, 1996 at the Eleventh Thematic Conference on Applied Geologic Remote Sensing in Las Vegas, NV. The 1995 award recognizes Slater's outstanding contributions to science and education and his sustained leadership, rigor, and service in the absolute calibration of optical remote-sensing instruments.

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