Welcome from the Court of Federal Claims Bar Association!

Brad FaggBrad Fagg

You have arrived at the web site for the Court of Federal Claims Bar Association.  The Bar Association is a voluntary organization of practitioners from both private practice and from the government, representing all of the substantive practice areas before the United States Court of Federal Claims.  The Bar Association is dedicated to the improvement of practice for all members of the Court community, and the promotion and celebration of the important institutional interests embodied by the Court and its functions.

The Court of Federal Claims, which hears suits against the Federal Government, has existed in its current and predecessor forms for over 150 years.  The Bar Association recently celebrated its own 20th anniversary, and as we move into our third decade there are a host of reasons to join the Bar Association and to participate actively in Bar Association activities.  Whether you are a frequent or occasional practitioner before the Court, your practice will be enhanced by Bar Association membership.

Among the benefits of membership, the Bar Association publishes the Executive Summary, available only to members.  Executive Summary provides timely information on recent court decisions and other significant events relevant to all major areas of Court of Federal Claims practice.  In addition, there is an membership directory, available to the public, for Bar Association members who wish to make their contact information available.  Bar Association members also receive discounts to all Bar Association and Court public events, including the signature Law Day celebration in the Spring, and the important (and not to be missed) Judicial Conference for the Court in the Fall.  In addition, Bar Association members receive advance notice of other Court and Bar Association events, including CLE programs.  Finally, members of the Bar Association form an important part of the Court community, with multiple opportunities for input into matters affecting practice before the Court, and interaction with the Court and other practitioners.

Please use this web site as a source of information for these and other programs, and also please feel free to relay thoughts, suggestions, or questions regarding Bar Association matters to me at president@cfcbar.org.  Thanks for visiting and best regards,

Brad Fagg, President
U.S. Court of Federal Claims Bar Association


Sandy LoJacono, Executive Administrator
U.S. Court of Federal Claims Bar Association
Ben Franklin Station
P.O. Box 7614
Washington, DC 20044
phone:  202-220-8638