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Noteworthy Filings

 Case Name


 Date Posted

 Case Number

 Cooper v. Brown

   Order Denying Successive Petition for Writ of Habeas Corpus  06/03/2005  04cv656-H   

 Crowe et al v. County of SD et al

   Order addressing defendants' motions to dismiss & for summary judgment  07/27/2000  99cv241-R(RBB)

 Dumas v. Fleer/Skybox International

   Order vacating order and dismissing claims  07/06/2000  99cv1739-B(AJB)

 Dumas v. Major League Baseball Properties et al

   Order vacating orders and dismissing claims  07/06/2000  98cv1772-B(AJB)

 Dumas v. Pinnacle Brands

   Order dismissing claims  07/06/2000  98cv1059-B(AJB)

 Dumas v. Playoff

   Order dismissing claims  07/06/2000  99cv1963-B(AJB)

 Dumas v. Racing Champions

   Order dismissing claims  07/06/2000  99cv1780-B(AJB)

 Dumas v. Upper Deck et al

   Order dismissing claims  07/06/2000  99cv1946-B(AJB)

 Imber v. Nintendo of America et al.

   Order dismissing claims  07/06/2000  99cv2010-B(AJB)

 Lucent Technologies et al vs. Microsoft Corp.

   Special Verdict Form  02/22/2007  02cv2060B(CAB)
consolidated with

 Partnoy v. Shelley

   Amended Final Judgment of Declaratory and Injunctive Relief  08/21/2003  03cv1460
   Final Judgment of Declaratory and Injunctive Relief  07/29/2003  03cv1460
   Judgment  08/21/2003  03cv1460
   Memorandum Decision and Order Granting Motion on the Pleadings and Declaring California Elections Code 11382 Unconstitutional  07/29/2003  03cv1460
   Order Granting in Part and Denying in Part Judgment on the Pleadings  08/21/2003  03cv1460

 Rodriquez et al v. Topps Company

   Order vacating order and dismissing claims  07/06/2000  98cv2121-B(AJB)

 Schwartz et al v. Upper Deck

   Order vacating orders & dismissing claims  07/06/2000  96cv3408-B(AJB)

 Torres v. Pacific Trading Cards

   Order dismissing claims  07/06/2000  97cv1658-B(AJB)