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Albuquerque - Official City Website

Child Safety

Each year, approximately 1.8 million children are reported lost, missing, or separated from one or more parents. Many of these cases involve runaways or custodial abductions. In many cases, law enforcement agencies are thwarted in their attempts to locate these lost and missing children by the lack of current and accurate descriptions, fingerprints and good-quality photographs.

Parents may bring their children to any APD Substation and will fill out the required information on a card for each child. Substation personnel will then print the right thumb of the child on the card.

ECI card front ECI card back

Anytime a child is reported missing, the information on the card will assist in quickly initiating an investigation and search, plus aiding in positive identification of the child when located.

The cards may be carried continually by the parent or guardian, or placed in a specific location in the home. APD recommends the cards be replaced (with an updated photo) every two or three years.

It is important to note that the cards are not to be used as official identification of the person for any legal purposes. The information on the card has not been verified by APD.

APD Crime Prevention also provides presentations to any community adult group on "Child Safety/Child Abuse Prevention" as well as the "McGruff Safety Program" for children. Call 924-3600 to schedule or to obtain a programs/services list sent by mail or FAX.

APD Crime Prevention 924-3600

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