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The Health Center Program:

Policy Information Notice 2001-07: Health Disparities and Patient Visit Redesign Collaboratives




Goal: As part of the care model, provide information systems support for the diabetes collaborative through refinement of the Diabetes Electronic Management System and TA from IS coordinators in each cluster so that 90 percent of the teams are utilizing a computerized registry program during Diabetes II and III Collaboratives.

Goal: To develop an information system to support the care model for the other health disparity areas, as well as depression, asthma, cancer and prevention. This tool is part of the broader BPHC information system strategy and consistent with BPHC guidelines. A system will be ready for teams in April 2001.

Performance Expectations:
PCA and CN

  1. The IS coordinators, working full-time on collaborative activities, will provide support for all collaborative teams in the cluster through conference calls, individual consultation, site visits when appropriate and learning sessions.
  2. The IS coordinators will work as an operational team with the cluster coordinators, the IHI
    and the BPHC.
  3. The IS coordinators will help develop and apply uniform collaborative information system standards and protocols in collaboration with IHI and BPHC.

In support of this National Goal, the BPHC and IHI plan to:

  1. Refine clinical registry software to accommodate cardiovascular issues for the DM III and
    Cardiovascular Collaborative in April 2001.
  2. Re-design the clinical registry software tool for the Cancer and Prevention Collaborative.
  3. Develop the web-based depression and asthma learning modules.
  4. Incorporate depression screening in all disparity models.
  5. Provide an Information System TA for the asthma collaborative and other upcoming collaborative.


Goal: Continue to refine senior leadership collaborative strategy such that 90 percent of teams present monthly reports to senior leader each month, each cluster has at least two senior leader conference calls for each collaborative, senior leaders use specific senior leadership listserv, poster session protocols are revised to communicate senior leadership test cycles and activities, and 100 percent of the monthly reports include senior leader activities describing leadership role in sustaining and spread of the care and improvement models. BPHC

Performance Expectations:
PCA and CN

  1. Recruit and support senior leadership participation at cluster learning sessions.
  2. Working with BPHC and IHI, implement senior leadership curricula at cluster learning sessions and identify key senior leaders as faculty.
  3. With BPHC and IHI, refine and implement monthly report to reflect senior leadership
    improvement cycles.

In support of this National Goal, the BPHC and IHI plan to:

  1. Collaborate with PCA and CN, NACHC and health center leaders to refine senior leadership learning objectives, curriculum content, and assist with aligning of the collaborative work with the core business imperative of the health center.
  2. Promote role of senior leader in the design and implementation of organizational spread of the care and improvement models.