Office of State Treasurer
Denise L. Nappier

As State Treasurer, I am committed to ensuring effective financial management of public resources, high standards of professionalism and integrity, and expanding opportunity for our residents and businesses.

 Latest News Releases

October 3, 2008

Connecticut Treasury Concludes Successful Proxy Year

October 1, 2008

Letter From Nappier to CT Congressional Delegation Urging Closure of Loophole in Provisions for Limiting Executive Compensation – “Rescue Bill”

September 25, 2008

Treasurer Nappier Proposes Limits on Executive Gain from Bailout

September 18, 2008

Statement By Treasurer Nappier Regarding the Ongoing Soundness of the Short-Term Investment Fund

September, 16, 2008

Statement By Treasurer Nappier - Reflections Concerning the Dramatic Market Plunge of September 15, 2008

September, 15, 2008

Statement By Treasurer Nappier Regarding Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. and Merrill Lynch & Co.

September, 10, 2008

Statement By Treasurer Nappier On the Conservatorship of Freddie Mac / Fannie Mae

September, 10, 2008

Treasury Posts Pension Fund Fiscal Year-end Results

August 18, 2008

Most Connecticut Businesses Will Pay Lower Assessments in FY2009 to Treasury’s Second Injury Fund

August 13, 2008

Treasurer Nappier Announces Strong Investor Response to State’s High-Quality Clean Water Fund Bonds

July 22, 2008

Treasurer Nappier Announces Completion of Cheyne Finance Restructuring and STIF’s Triple A Rating

June 9, 2008

Treasurer Nappier Supports Unified Credit Rating System

May 12, 2008

Treasurer Nappier Leads $1.4 Trillion Investor Coalition in Pushing SEC to Prevent Conflicts of Interest on Corporate Boards; Calls for More Robust Disclosure of Executive Compensation 

 Financial Education



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 Consumer Connections

 The Treasury Data Bank

 Quick Links

More than 450 young people from Connecticut high schools learned how powerful their dollars can be. Click here to view the “Your Dollar Your World” 2008 conference kit.

SHORT-TERM INVESTMENT FUND  The State is the single largest investor in STIF with roughly a 40% stake, and we remain confident that our investments will continue to be safe. Learn more on the STIF homepage and the Investor Communications web page.


CHET COLLEGE SAVINGS PROGRAM Now, lower fees, new investment choices, and a new tax deduction for Connecticut families saving for higher education with CHET. 

We’ve Got Money. Some May Be Yours Thousands of people, businesses and organizations in Connecticut are being reunited with $2 million every month. See our list - you could be next!

STIF Express

Community Banking  Initiative

Holder Reporting

Natl Assn of State Treasurers

Connecticut Portal

Investment  Advisory  Council

 Key Links Web Site
Connecticut Economy Analysis

Office of State Ethics

Connecticut Network

EMAIL State Treasurer D. L. Nappier
: (800) 618-3404