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National 4-H Headquarters, CSREES, USDA

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Agricutlre Secretray Ed Schafer presents at a 4-H breakfast 4-H on Capitol Hill to Launch Our Response to America 's Need for Future Scientific Leaders

On June 18, 2008, U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Ed Schafer delivered 4-H's response to America's need for future scientific leaders on behalf of National 4-H Headquarters, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension (CSREES), USDA.  4-H, the nation's largest youth development program serving 6 million youth, has 3 mission mandate areas, including Science, Engineering and Technology (SET).  In response to the challenges posted in the National Academy of Sciences' report, Rising Above the Gathering Storm (RAGS), 4-H is launching a SET initiative to engage 1 million more young people in SET.  Components of the plan include “National Youth Science Day” on October 8, during National 4-H Week, which will feature a “National Science Experiment,” a designated science activity that will engage youth across the country in a quality, hands-on activity designed to make science fun and accessible. 

By encouraging more youth to study science, 4-H will help corporate America fulfill its need for a more qualified and diverse workforce. National 4-H Council, our private partner, organized this event with 4-H Congressional Caucus members, National 4-H Headquarters, and supporting private and non-profit partners.

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The 4-H Name & Emblem are protected under 18 USC 707 - Updated August 20, 2008