Title 40--Protection of Environment

(This index contains parts 425 to 699)


425 Leather tanning and finishing point source category
426 Glass manufacturing point source category
427 Asbestos manufacturing point source category
428 Rubber manufacturing point source category
429 Timber products processing point source category
430 The pulp, paper, and paperboard point source category
431 [Reserved]
432 Meat products point source category
433 Metal finishing point source category
434 Coal mining point source category BPT, BAT, BCT limitations and new source performance standards
435 Oil and gas extraction point source category
436 Mineral mining and processing point source category
437 The centralized waste treatment point source category
439 Pharmaceutical manufacturing point source category
440 Ore mining and dressing point source category
442 Transportation equipment cleaning point source category
443 Effluent limitations guidelines for existing sources and standards of performance and pretreatment standards for new sources for the paving and roofing materials (tars and asphalt) point source category
444 Waste combustors point source category
445 Landfills point source category
446 Paint formulating point source category
447 Ink formulating point source category
454 Gum and wood chemicals manufacturing point source category
455 Pesticide chemicals
457 Explosives manufacturing point source category
458 Carbon black manufacturing point source category
459 Photographic point source category
460 Hospital point source category
461 Battery manufacturing point source category
463 Plastics molding and forming point source category
464 Metal molding and casting point source category
465 Coil coating point source category
466 Porcelain enameling point source category
467 Aluminum forming point source category
468 Copper forming point source category
469 Electrical and electronic components point source category
471 Nonferrous metals forming and metal powders point source category
501 State sludge management program regulations
503 Standards for the use or disposal of sewage sludge
600 Fuel economy of motor vehicles
610 Fuel economy retrofit devices
611-699 [Reserved]

