Title 40--Protection of Environment

(This index contains parts 190 to 259)


190 Environmental radiation protection standards for nuclear power operations
191 Environmental radiation protection standards for management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, high-level and transuranic radioactive wastes
192 Health and environmental protection standards for uranium and thorium mill tailings
194 Criteria for the certification and re-certification of the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant's compliance with the 40 CFR part 191 disposal regulations
195 Radon proficiency programs
197 Public health and environmental radiation protection standards for Yucca Mountain, Nevada
201 Noise emission standards for transportation equipment; interstate rail carriers
202 Motor carriers engaged in interstate commerce
203 Low-noise-emission products
204 Noise emission standards for construction equipment
205 Transportation equipment noise emission controls
209 Rules of practice governing proceedings under the Noise Control Act of 1972
210 Prior notice of citizen suits
211 Product noise labeling
220 General
221 Applications for ocean dumping permits under section 102 of the Act
222 Action on ocean dumping permit applications under section 102 of the Act
223 Contents of permits; revision, revocation or limitation of ocean dumping permits under section 104(d) of the Act
224 Records and reports required of ocean dumping permittees under section 102 of the Act
225 Corps of Engineers dredged material permits
227 Criteria for the evaluation of permit applications for ocean dumping of materials
228 Criteria for the management of disposal sites for ocean dumping
229 General permits
230 Section 404(b)(1) guidelines for specification of disposal sites for dredged or fill material
231 Section 404(c) procedures
232 404 Program definitions; exempt activities not requiring 404 permits
233 404 State program regulations
238 Degradable plastic ring carriers
239 Requirements for state permit program determination of adequacy
240 Guidelines for the thermal processing of solid wastes
243 Guidelines for the storage and collection of residential, commercial, and institutional solid waste
246 Source separation for materials recovery guidelines
247 Comprehensive procurement guideline for products containing recovered materials
254 Prior notice of citizen suits
255 Identification of regions and agencies for solid waste management
256 Guidelines for development and implementation of State solid waste management plans
257 Criteria for classification of solid waste disposal facilities and practices
258 Criteria for municipal solid waste landfills
259 [Reserved]

