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  Open Burning Notification Forms Permissive Burn Periods

Open burning is generally prohibited in the Bay Area Air Quality Management District with the exception of seventeen (17) types of fires which are allowed by Regulation 5 Open Burning.

Each allowable fire type may only be conducted during its permissive burn period. The Air Pollution Control Officer may extend the burn periods for orchard pruning and crop replacement fires. In addition, most allowable fires are limited to Burn Days, as declared by the Air District.

Any proposed burn may also be restricted by local fire or other officials.

In addition, the fire types that require notification to the District prior to ignition and the public official who has the authority to approve a proposed burn are also presented in Permissive Burn Periods tables.

Prior notification to the District must be made by faxing a completed Open Burning Prior Notification Form to the Air District's office in San Francisco at (415) 928-0338 or by mailing the completed form to:

Compliance and Enforcement Division
Bay Area Air Quality Management District
939 Ellis Street
San Francisco, CA 94109

Note: mailed notifications must be postmarked at least five days prior to burning.

24-Hour Burn Status Recording 1-(800) 792-0787
FAX Number (415) 928-0338
Compliance Assistance Hotline (415) 749-4999
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