TwHP Lessons

Not to Be Forgotten:
Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery

Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery, Columbus, Ohio
(Photo by Paul LaRue)


any, many Confederates were captured whose families have never known their fate, although prayerful diligence was exercised as long as there was a ray of hope. May this list of thousands of names give consolation to mourning hearts, as it will when found that husband, brother or son, having stood by their colors until overwhelming numbers compelled capitulation, and that whatever opportunities for freedom that may have come to him, all were rejected, and he went down to death a faithful Confederate soldier!

Quote from Confederate Veteran magazine, Nashville, TN, January 1898, in reference to the list of the Confederate prisoners of war buried in Ohio.

Today as you pass through the entrance in the stone wall surrounding Camp Chase cemetery, the bustle of Columbus fades behind. Camp Chase encompasses less than two acres, so it is easy to appreciate the entire landscape. More than 2,000 headstones stretch out before your eyes, some so close together they nearly touch. Throughout the cemetery, large old trees with broad canopies offer cool shade on even the hottest summer days. It is hard to imagine that this cemetery was once one of the largest Union Civil War prisoner-of-war camps for thousands of captured troops who served in the Army of the Confederate States of America (CSA).


About This Lesson

Getting Started: Inquiry Question

Setting the Stage: Historical Context

Locating the Site: Maps
 1. Five largest Northern Prisoner-of-War (POW)
 Camps during the Civil War by mortality rates

Determining the Facts: Readings
 1. Camp Chase
 2. Confederate POW Burials
 3. Our Dead Honored

Visual Evidence: Images
 1. Camp Chase Confederate grave
 2. Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery
 3. Camp Chase Confederate Cemetery
 4. Camp Chase Confederate Memorial
 5. Camp Chase Confederate Memorial

Putting It All Together: Activities
 1. Research a Prisoner-of-War Camp
 2. National Cemetery System
 3. Design a Memorial

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The lesson is based on the Camp Chase Site, one of the thousands of properties listed in the National Register of Historic Places.



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