Chief Human Capital Officers Council
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Office of the Director
United States
Office of Personnel Management
Washington, DC 20415-1000


Kevin E. Mahoney
Associate Director, HCLMSA


Data Call for Report on Veterans' Employment

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The U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) is preparing a special report on veterans' employment in the Federal Government. The report will be written on behalf of the White House in response to a proposal by a member of the Senate that would require 10% of all new hires in the Federal Government to be veterans.

The report will include a discussion of programs currently in place to help agencies recruit and hire veterans into their ranks. We are asking each CHCO agency to send OPM a summary of the initiatives your agency has undertaken to attract, recruit, and hire veterans. We also need to know what results your agency has achieved through these efforts. With your help, we can highlight the effective strategies used by agencies across the government to recruit and employ veterans.

We have prepared a template (attached) explaining the information we need for our report. Please send the requested information by Friday, May 30, 2008 to Anita Hanson, OPM Outreach Program Manager, Division for Human Capital and Merit System Accountability. We would prefer to have the information sent via e-mail to Ms. Hanson at but you may also send it via FAX to her attention at 202-606-2663. If you have any questions, please contact Ms. Hanson at (202) 606-2773.

We appreciate your cooperation and assistance.







Veterans' Employment Information

Contact information

Name _______________________________________________________

Agency _______________________________________________________

Organization _______________________________________________________

Phone _______________________________________________________

Email _______________________________________________________

  1. Provide a detailed summary of programs or activities undertaken by your agency to attract, recruit, and hire veterans. Examples include:
    1. participation in job fairs that target veterans or servicemembers who may be leaving the military
    1. marketing or recruitment strategies aimed at veterans
    1. forging partnerships with veterans' advocacy groups
    1. Educating hiring managers on the benefits of hiring veterans or the special hiring authorities that apply to veterans
  1. Describe the results your agency has achieved in connection with these programs, initiatives, or activities (i.e. an increase in the number of applications from veterans; increase in the number of veteran hires; greater awareness among veterans of job opportunities at your agency).
  1. Describe the sort of barriers or frustrations your agency encounters in its efforts to recruit and hire veterans.
  1. Describe what would be most helpful to your agency in its efforts to recruit and hire veterans. Our mission is to ensure the Federal Government has an effective civilian workforce
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