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Laboratory Directed Research and Development for FY09 will be updated soon

Program Description

The purpose of the Laboratory Directed Research and Development (LDRD) Program is to promote the conduct of highly innovative and exploratory research that fits into the mission of the Laboratory including strategic initiatives for the growth of the Laboratory. The Laboratory mission areas include advancements in physics, chemistry, and biology, and in medical, energy and environmental sciences, and in the utilization of the user facilities that include accelerators for particles, heavy ions, and synchrotron light.  The following is a list of the general principles that guide the LDRD Program.

  • Fund highly innovative and exploratory research that can be of high risk.
  • Expect high payoff such as funding prospects, breakthrough science and broadening of the Laboratory’s  mission.
  • Set a fraction of the funds for strategic areas.
  • Give some preference to emerging scientists consistent with the quality of their proposals.
  • Collaborations across Directorates and Departments should be encouraged.
  • Successful organization and execution of each approved proposal is the responsibility of an appointed Associate Laboratory Director (ALD) in the area of activity.
  • ALDs as a group with the benefit of ratings from a committee make the final selections for the Laboratory-Wide Competition.
  • Do not use the LDRD process as a way to support unfunded investigators.
  • Track the productivity and success of funded proposals.
  • Support stops if you obtain funding elsewhere. 

Program Structure

The program has two categories, the annual competed LDRDs and Strategic LDRDs, which combine to meet the overall objective of the LDRD Program.

Competed LDRD Proposals

Proposals are solicited annually for review and approval concurrent with the next fiscal year, October 1.  An LDRD Selection Committee, comprised of the Associate Laboratory Directors (ALDs) for the Scientific Directorates, an equal number of scientists recommended by the Science Council, plus the LDRD Scientific Director, and the Assistant Laboratory Director for Policy and Planning, review the proposals submitted in response to the solicitation.

The competed LDRD category emphasizes innovative research concepts with limited management filtering to encourage the creativity of individual researchers.  The competition is open to all BNL staff in programmatic, scientific, engineering, and technical support areas.  Researchers submit their project proposals to the LDRD Scientific Director.

Strategic LDRD Proposals

A portion of the LDRD budget is held for the Strategic LDRD (S-LDRD) category.  These funds are used to establish and enhance initiatives that are consistent with Laboratory priorities.  Projects in this category focus on innovative R&D activities that are likely to develop new programmatic areas within BNL's mission responsibilities and enhance the Laboratory's science and technology base.  The Laboratory Director entertains requests or articulates the need for S-LDRD funds at any time.  The Director selects two people to provide written reviews of the proposals.

These Projects are driven by special opportunities, including:

  • Research project(s) in support of a Laboratory strategic hire,
  • Evolution of Program Development activities into research and development activities,
  • ALD proposal(s) to the Director to support unique research opportunities,
  • Research project(s) in support of Laboratory strategic initiatives as defined and articulated by the Director.


Further information and assistance can be obtained from Leonard Newman, Scientific Director for LDRD, either by email ( ) or telephone (ext. 4467), or Kevin Fox, Special Assistant to the ALD for Finance, email or telephone (ext. 6185). 

Documentation on all approved LDRD projects is maintained by the LDRD Program to assure that projects have undergone proper review and are in compliance with all applicable requirements.


LDRD Program Data

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Last Modified: April 7, 2008
Please forward all questions about this site to: Sabrina Parrish