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About CERTs


Public Interest: Research must be conducted to answer important questions that otherwise may not be addressed, with higher priority given to projects that offer better opportunities to achieve our mission and vision.

Public-Private Partnership: For our results to apply to the "real world," the research must reflect a collaboration of groups with different perspectives and resources: patients, health care providers, government, academia, delivery systems, payers, purchasers, and manufacturers of medical products.

Multidisciplinary Alliances: The best research harnesses the collective expertise of medical practitioners, clinical pharmacologists, health services researchers, clinical epidemiologists, pharmacists, clinical researchers, and others involved in health care.

Communication: The information from CERTs must be made readily available to all relevant audiences.

Education: Education of current and future health care providers, policy makers, and patients is critical to improving health.

Public Policy: policymakers must be provided with the best available scientific evidence upon which to base policies.

Accountability: Americans should expect CERTs to be a trusted resource when they need answers to questions about therapies.