BFRL Staff | Rodney A. Bryant
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  Photograph of Rodney Bryant   Dr. Bryant is a Mechanical Engineer with the Fire Measurements Group. His research interests include the fluid dynamics of fire, measurement techniques using laser diagnostics, aerosol detection, and measurement uncertainty. Dr. Bryant presently directs several research projects aimed at improving measurement methods to foster a better understanding of fire dynamics and to reduce the risk of exposure to respiratory threats for first responders, including: Advanced Flow Measurements in Full-Scale Fires; Respirator Leak Characterization; and Real-Time Detection of Respiratory Threats.

Dr. Bryant joined NIST in 1998 as a National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow. During that appointment he conducted research on the turbulent mixing of gaseous jets using Planar Laser Induced Fluorescence (PLIF) and Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV). Since then he has directed and contributed to a variety of projects within BFRL, including: Quantitative Large-Scale Heat Release Rate Measurements; Fire Extinguishing Agents; Combustion Species Measurement; and Heat Flux Measurement Uncertainty.

Dr. Bryant has authored or co-authored over 20 scientific publications which include journal articles, conference papers, and NIST reports. He is an active reviewer for major journals in fire, combustion, heat transfer, and fluids research. He is a member of The International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS), The Combustion Institute, and The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA).


Rodney A. Bryant


University of Maryland
B.S., Aerospace Engineering, 1991
M.S., Aerospace Engineering, 1993

University of Michigan
Ph.D., Aerospace Engineering, 1998


Mechanical Engineer
Fire Measurements Group
Fire Research Division
Building and Fire Research Laboratory

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Information Last updated: 12/12/2008