In Depth: The 1902 GliderIn Depth: The 1902 Glider
New Ideas theory Assembly Control Flight Tests

The Wrights rarely described the thrill of flying. For them, it was all science. The "art" lay in performance: measurements of the wind speeds, glide angles, distances, and duration in the air. Their success was in truly understanding the essence of flight.

The Wright Story
Wilbur flying the 1902 glider,
Dan Tate following
Image credit: Library of CongressHow did it feel to fly the 1902 glider?
link to Education page
Like the brothers a century ago, the Wright Experience pilots must learn how to fly the 1902 glider. The glider was first tested in a wind tunnel to determine its flight characteristics experimentally. From this data, a flight simulator was built to give the pilots an initial feel for the aircraft.
Wind Tunnel Tests
Wind Tunnel Tests
Flight simulator development
Flight simulator development
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The pilots are now practicing flying the glider under the supervision of Scott Crossfield using a new method which gives them exactly what the Wrights were looking for: space, seclusion, and plenty of chances to fly.
Flight test by Terry Quiejo
Flight test by Terry Quiejo
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Flight test by Kevin Kochersberger
Flight test by Kevin Kochersberger
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