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Samuel Moment Aluminum Library and Files

In April 1995, the Bonneville Power Administration established the Samuel Moment Aluminum Library and Files as part of its archive documenting the early years of the agency . . .

Samuel Moment worked for the Bonneville Power Administration for 15 years, from 1940 to 1954. He specialized in industrial development and the aluminum industry. His career blossomed into an international one as governments and corporations worldwide tapped into his expertise and services.

Upon retiring in 1995, Sam Moment gave his large collection of books, periodicals, Congressional reports, and government and corporate reports to the Bonneville Power Administration. The collection focuses on the development and history of the aluminum industry throughout the world. His gift presents a new opportunity for BPA: to establish an archive of historical records on the early days of the agency and its growing role in the economic development of the Pacific Northwest.

This archive is available to scholars and interested historians, who seek to research and capture the vitality of development and the interplay of private corporations with public forces in the Pacific Northwest. The collection will also allow BPA employees to research aluminum contracts and power sales commitments as they work to enable the agency to become more businesslike in its activities.

The collection constitutes a remarkable history of decision-making both within BPA in its early years, and in Congress and other federal agencies working with BPA planning and programs.

After he left BPA, Sam Moment served as an international consultant to the World Bank, the United Nations, and many other clients throughout the world. His personal papers reflect international trends, corporate appraisals, strategies and decisions. His materials include back-ground reports, books, statistical publications, power contracts and plans. Documents which cover a lengthy court case, the Alcoa antitrust case from 1937 to 1957, provide an opportunity for researchers to follow strategies of the federal government in its pursuits of breaking a monopolistic enterprise.

Features of the Collection
  • Early decisions of the Bonneville Project Act as interpreted in sales to aluminum companies during World War II, post-World War II and Korean War periods.
  • The role of aluminum in winning World War II.
  • Analysis of the controversy by BPA power sales between new public power bodies and support to the aluminum industry.
  • Initial BPA site studies along the Columbia River for industrial plant development.
  • Congressional decisions and the role of the Surplus Property Board with the disposal of government aluminum plants after World War II.
  • The story of each company's entry into the aluminum industry business including Reynolds, Kaiser and Harvey: a chronology of successes and failures.
  • The exploration for the discovery of bauxite in Australia, Brazil, Guinea, and Jamaica which led to their leadership in worldwide production.
  • Three volumes of Mr. Moment's personal memoirs. Currently being updated, they are copyrighted and held in the name of the Samuel Moment Trust. Permission to publish or use them for any other commercial use may be requested through BPA's Library Services. See below for instructions on how to contact BPA.

Pursuing Research at BPA
The Bonneville library, located on the first floor of BPA headquarters (905 N.E. 11th Ave., Portland, Ore.) is responsible for the Samuel Moment Collection of personal papers. For those interested in reviewing and researching these materials, please contact BPA’s Library Service Desk, (503) 230-4171, between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. PST to make an appointment. An overview of the collection is necessary before research access is granted. The collection is housed in a locked room in a neighboring building.

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     Page last modified on Tuesday August 07, 2007.