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FAQ - Earthquake Preparedness

Q: How can I plan ahead for an EQ?


  1. Make sure each member of your family knows what to do no matter where they are when EQs occur:

    • Establish a mtg place where you can all reunite afterward

    • Find out about EQ plans developed by children's school or day care

    • Remember transportation may be disrupted, keep some emergency supplies--food, liquids, and comfortable shoes, for example--at work

  2. KNOW where you gas, electric and water main shutoffs are and how to turn them off if there is a leak or electrical short. Make sure older members of the family can shut off utilities

  3. LOCATE your nearest fire and police stations and emergency medical facility

  4. TALK to your neighbors--how could they help you, or you them after an EQ

  5. TAKE Red Cross First Aid and CPR Training Course.

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