United States Department of Agriculture
Natural Resources Conservation Service
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Conservation Plant Releases

Appalachian Plant Materials Center

The Appalachian Plant Materials Center has released the following plants to commercial growers to solve specific resource conservation needs. Click on the link to the Release Brochure (if available) to view more information on each plant release. Click on the Scientific Name for more information on the species.

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Release Name Scientific Name Common Name Uses Release Brochure
Panbowl Alnus serrulata hazel alder streambank and shoreline stabilization, riparian area restoration, wetland restoration, and wetland wildlife habitat Brochure (PDF, 1.4 MB)
Golden Castanea pumila golden chinquapin wildlife habitat Brochure (PDF)
Quickstand Cynodon dactylon bermudagrass turf and grazing
Appalow Lespedeza cuneata sericea lespedeza low maintenance, ground cover to prevent erosion and stabilize soil Brochure (PDF)
KY 1625 Panicum virgatum switchgrass cover & forage plant on marginal low fertility, hillside pasture
Gobbler Quercus acutissima sawtooth oak wildlife food and cover Brochure (PDF)
Bankers Salix cottetii dwarf willow stream bank stabilization, erosion control Brochure (PDF)
Rhizo Trifolium ambiguum Kura clover soil erosion control and pasture legume

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