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The Bay Area 2001 Ozone Attainment Plan was prepared by the BAAQMD, the Metropolitan Transportation Commission, and the Association of Bay Area Governments. This plan is a proposed revision to the Bay Area part of California's plan (State Implementation Plan, or SIP) to achieve the national ozone standard. The plan was prepared in response to US EPA's partial approval and partial disapproval of the Bay Area's 1999 Ozone Attainment Plan.

At a public hearing on October 24, 2001, the boards of the regional agencies adopted the 2001 Plan. Subsequently, the plan was approved by the Air Resources Board at a hearing on November 1, 2001. On November 30, 2001, ARB submitted the 2001 Plan to US EPA for approval as a revision to the California SIP. US EPA is reviewing the plan. The 2001 Plan, the CEQA Negative Declaration, the staff report, and attachments to the staff report (which summarize community meetings and respond to comments) are available by clicking on the links below :

Adopted Bay Area 2001 Ozone Attainment Plan
Adopted CEQA Negative Declaration for the 2001 Plan
Staff Report for October 24, 2001 Public Hearing on the 2001 Plan
Attachment 1 to Staff Report
Attachment 2 to Staff Report
Attachment 3 to Staff Report
Attachment 4 to Staff Report
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