___      Sixth Circuit case number

___      Heading: "United States Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit"

___      Title of case

___      Nature of proceedings & name of court, agency or board below

___      Title of the brief [e.g., "Brief of Appellant"]

___      Name/s and address/es of counsel representing the party for whom the brief is filed Appearance form filed previously?


CONTENTS:  FRAP 28 and Sixth Circuit Rules 10, 25 and 28, revised effective June 1, 2008.  Items to be in the order indicated below.


___      Corporate Disclosure Statement

___      Table of Contents

___      Table of Authorities (alphabetically arranged), statutes and other authorities

___      Statement in support of oral argument

___      INS Table of Authorities (if applicable)


*****  Page limitation, word or line count begins here, FRAP 32(a)(7)(B)(iii) *****

___      Jurisdictional statement

___      Statement of the issues

___      Statement of the case

___      Statement of the Facts, with appropriate references to the record and Record on Appeal     *see examples below

___      Text Reference for INS cases (if applicable)

___      Summary of argument

___      Applicable standard of review for each issue, may appear in the discussion of each issue or under separate heading place before the discussion of the issues

___      Argument, with citations to the authorities, statutes and with appropriate references to the record and Record on Appeal     *see examples below

___      Signed Conclusion

*****  Page limitation, word or line count ends here, FRAP 32(a)(7)(B)(iii) *****


___      Appearance form filed?

___      Certificate of Compliance as required by FRAP 32(a)(7); if necessary

___      Dated Certificate of Service

___      Addendum if necessary

___      Social Security cases: copies of the notice appeal, opinion & order, report & recommendation & any objections


REFERENCE EXAMPLES:  References to the record and Record on Appeal are to be place in parentheses following the text for which the reference is made.


R         record entry number as assigned on the district court docket sheet

ROA   Record on Appeal compiled by the Court of Appeals

TR      transcript


“Motion of appellant for summary judgment, Record Entry No. 21, pp. 2-3; ROA pp. 82-83”


“Trial testimony of plaintiff, Record Entry No. 53, p.1; ROA p. 139”



TYPEFACE: FRAP 32(a)(5) and LENGTH: FRAP 32(a)(7).


___      Proportionally spaced font. Use CG Times or Times New Roman both at 14-point. *See attached typeface samples.

            1)    Principal brief, may not exceed 30 pages, unless it complies with FRAP 32(a)(7)(B) and (C): no more than 14,000 words with a certificate of compliance.

            2)    Reply brief, may not exceed 15 pages, or no more than half of the type-volume of principal briefs.

            3)    Headings, footnotes, and quotations count toward the word limitation.


            * *OR* *


___      Monospaced font. Use Courier New at 12 point.

 *See attached typeface samples.

            1)    Principal brief, may not exceed 30 pages, unless it complies with FRAP 32(a)(7)(B) and (C): no more than 14,000 words or 1,300 lines of text with a certificate of compliance.

            2)    Reply brief, may not exceed 15 pages, or no more than half of the type-volume of principal briefs.

            3)    Heading, footnotes, and quotations count toward the word or line limitation.




___      Footnotes: Must be the same sized text as used in the body of the brief

___      Serial pagination

____    Paper size, 8 1/2 by 11 inches

___      Double spaced

___      Margins: at least one inch on all four sides

___      Pre-Sentence Report in criminal appeals, see 6th Cir. R. 10(a)(3)