
The Hawaii State Legislature is providing the legislative information and services on this web site as a public service for informational purposes only.

The Legislature provides access to legislative information and services on an "As Is" basis, and it shall not be liable or held responsible: for any unintentional omission, addition, or error in or loss of service or data; for any breakdown, interruption, or delay in service; or for any other failure or inability of the Legislature to provide services or data directly or indirectly from any cause or circumstances.

As the information and services on this web site are continually under development, all documents, including the Statutes of Hawaii, annotations, amendments and supplements, and the information in them that are made available on this web site are unofficial.  Use of the information and services are at the sole risk of the user. For official versions of Hawaii's current laws, the user is directed to the 1993 Replacement volumes of the Hawaii Revised Statutes, all amendments and cumulative supplements thereto published by the Revisor of Statutes in written form authorized by law.