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The NOAA GEWEX air SURFace eXchange sites (SURFX) sites were established to provide detailed measurements and information about the physical and biological processes that occur at the land/surface interface. Observations from these sites are being used to test and improve the current generation of land surface models. Key observations from these sites include the turbulent fluxes of heat, water vapor, momentum, and carbon dioxide. Mean atmospheric state variable (ie. radiative fluxe, air temperature, relative humidity, etc) are also measured. The sites were selected to provide detailed information for common land use types in the continental U.S. The sites were initially sponsored by the GCIP (GEWEX Continental Scale International Project) which has now transitioned to the GAPP (GEWEX Americas Prediction Project). Both GCIP and GAPP are part of NOAA's Office of Global Programs. The SURFX sites are currently serving as reference sites for the Global Hydrology Program CEOP (Coordinated Enhanced Observations Period).


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The software used to run the GEWEX systems is entirely Linux-based and has been developed from scratch to meet the needs of ATDD. To learn more about the GEWEX software, click here.

To obtain GEWEX Surface data from the different site or to define a graph, click here.


GEWEX data is taken in collaboration with the Integrated Surface Irradiance Study (ISIS). For more information about ISIS or to obtain data, please contact John A. Augustine or visit NOAA's Surface Radiation Research Branch website.

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