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 Climate Variability Programs


ATDD has been collaborating with the NOAA/ARL Solar Radiation Research Branch (SRRB) in establishing and operating the national Integrated Solar Irradiance Study (ISIS) network. The program is comprised of two "levels" of station sophistication: Level 1 provides basic measurements of incoming radiation only, while the more complex Level 2 sites focus on the overall surface radiation balance. The data are collected daily via dialup connection, checked for quality, and reported to NOAA's National Climatic Data Center (NCDC) for archival. Data for the last 30 days are also made available on our Web site.

ISIS Radiation Monitoring

The Air Resources Laboratory operates the NOAA broadband solar radiation network for both visible and ultraviolet (UV-B) light. The Intergrated Solar Irradiance Study operates two levels of sites scattered around the United States.

Surface Flux Parameterizations for Global Climate and Change Models

The coarse grid scales used for efficient computation by global scale circulation and climate models generally require very simple parameterizations of the near-surface planetary boundary layer, with the result that some important processes are not well-described. ATDD has collaborated in an effort to produce a better representation of these processes for global models.

Oak Ridge Climate Data

ATDD has measured climatological data variables in Oak Ridge for more than 50 years; the data are now available electronically.



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