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ATDD 1997 Publications

Baldocchi, D.D.  Book review of Amazonian Deforestation and Climate, by H.H.C. Gash, C.A. Nobre, J.M. Roberts, and R.L. Victoria.  Hohn Wiley and Sons, Chichester.  Hardbound.  ISBN 0-471-96734-3.  1996 611 pp.  Boundary-Layer Meteorology 84: 173 - 174 (1997).

Baldocchi, D.D. Book review of The Climate Near the Ground by Rudolf Geiger, Robert H. Aron, and Paul Todhunter, Vieweg Publishing, 528 pp.  Climate Change 37: 441 - 442 (1997).  ATDD Contribution File # 96/18.

Baldocchi, D.D.  Flux footprints under forest canopies.  Boundary Layer Meteorology 85: 273 - 292 (1997).   ATDD Contribution File # 96/21.

Baldocchi, D.D.  Measuring and modeling carbon dioxide and water vapor exchange over a temperate broad-leaved forest during the 1995 summer drought.  Plant, Cell and Environment 20: 1,108 - 1,122 (1997).  ATDD Contribution File # 96/19.

Baldocchi, D.D., C.A. Vogel, and B. Hall.  Seasonal variation of energy and water vapor exchange rates above and below a boreal jackpine forest.  Journal of Geophysical Research 102 (D24): 28,939 - 28,952 (1997).  ATDD Contribution File # 96/02.

Brook, J.R., F. Di-Giovanni, S. Cakmak, and T.P. Meyers.  Estimation of Dry Deposition Velocity using Inferential Models and site-specific Meteorology - Uncertainty due to Siting of Meteorological Towers.  Atmospheric Environment 31 (23): 3911 - 3919 (1997).  ATDD Contribution File # 00-37.

Brooks, S.B., T.L. Crawford, and W.C. Oechel.  Measurement of carbon dioxide emissions plumes from Prudhoe Bay, Alaska oil fields.  Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry 27: 197 - 207.  ATDD Contribution File # 96/06.

Brooks, S.B. and A. Tozeren.  Flow past an array of cells that are adherent to the bottom plate of flow channel.  Computers and Fluids 25: 741-757.  ATDD Contribution File # 96/22.

Bunce, J.A., K.B. Wilson, and T.N. Carlson.  The effect of doubled CO2 on water use in alfalfa and orchard grass: Simulating evapotranspiration using canopy conductance measurements.  Global Change Biology 3: 81-87.  ATDD Contribution File #

Crawford, T.L. and  R.J. Dobosy.  Pieces to a puzzle: Air-surface exchange and climate.  GPS World 8(11): 32 - 39 (1997).  ATDD Contribution File #

Desjardins, R.L., J.I. MacPherson, L. Mahrt, P. Schuepp, E. Pattey, H. Neumann, D. Baldocchi, S. Wofsy, D. Fitzjarrald, and H. McCaughey.  Scaling up flux measurements for the boreal forest using aircraft-tower combinations.  Journal of Geophysical Research 102: 29,125 - 29,134 (1997).  ATDD Contribution File # 96/14.

Dobosy, R.J., T.L. Crawford, J.I. MacPherson, R.L. Desjardins, R.D. Kelly, S.P. Oncley, and D.H. Lenschow.  Intercomparison among four flux aircraft at BOREAS in 1994.  Journal of Geophysical Research 102(D24): 29,109 - 29,111 (1997).  ATDD Contribution File # 98/16.

D�rnbrack, A. and C.J. Nappo.  A note on the application of linear wave theory at a critical level.  Boundary-Layer Meteorology 82: 399 - 416 (1997).  ATDD Contribution File # 96/23.

Eckman, R.M.  Observations and numerical simulations of winds within a broad forested valley.  Journal of Applied Meteorology 37: 206 - 219.  ATDD Contribution File 96/11. 

Frenzen, P. and C.A. Vogel. Scaling the TKE budget above and roughness sublayer.  Preprints of the 12th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, July 28 - August 1, 1997, Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp. 279 - 280.  ATDD Contribution File #

Hicks, B.B., J.J. DeLuisi, and D.R. Matt.  The NOAA Integrated Surface Irradiance Study (ISIS) � A new surface radiation monitoring program.  Bulletin of American Meteorological Society 77(12): 2,857 - 2,864 (1997).  ATDD Contribution File # 97/02.

Kamada, R.F., G.E. Start, R.P. Hosker, J.T. Knudtson, and H.I. Lundblad.  1995-96 MVP SGF6 variable altitude (1 to 1200 MO) plum/puff tracer dispersion study at Cape Canaveral, Florida.  Preprints, American Nuclear Society 6th Topical Meeting on Emergency Preparedness and Response, San Francisco, California, April 22 - 25 (1997).  ATDD Contribution File # 97/06.

Lavigne, M.B., M.G. Ryan, D.E. Anderson, D.D. Baldocchi, P.M. Crill, D.R. Fitzjarrald, M.L. Goulden, S.T. Gower, J.M. Massheder, J.H. McCauhey, M. Rayment, and R.G. Striegl.  Comparing nocturnal eddy covariance measurements to estimates of ecosystem respiration made by scaling chamber measurements.  Journal of Geophysical Research 102: 28,977 - 28,986 (1997).  ATDD Contribution File # 96/16.

Nappo, C.J., and W.D. Bach, Jr.  Summary Report on the ARO/ARL Workshop on Turbulence and Diffusion in the Stable Planetary Boundary Layer.  Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 78(3): 493 - 498 (1997).  ATDD Contribution File # 96/09.

Norman, J.M., C.J. Kucharik, S.T. Gower, D.D. Baldocchi, P.M. Crill, M. Rayment, K. Savage, and R.G. Striegl.  A comparison of six methods for measuring soil surface carbon dioxide fluxes.  Journal of Geophysical Research 102: 28,771 - 28,778 (1997).  ATDD Contribution File #

Pendergrass, W.R., C.J. Nappo, K.S. Rao, and R.M. Eckman.  Technical review of the VLSTRACK Dispersion Model.  NOAA Technical Memorandum ERA ARL-218, Air Resources Laboratory, Silver Spring, MD 39 pp. (1996).  ATDD Contribution File # 96/03.

Rao, K.S.  Performance, uncertainty, and predictability in atmospheric transport and dispersion modeling.  Proceedings, ANS Sixth Topical Meeting on Emergency Preparedness and Response, Session 1-5, Advances in Dispersion Modeling I, April 23, 1997, San Francisco, California 625-628 (1997).  ATDD Contribution File # 96/20.

Rao, K.S.  The contribution of the Kansas Experiment to ABL Modeling.  Preprint Volume, 12th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, July 28 - August 1, 1997, Vancouver, CB, Canada.  American Meteorological Society, Boston, Massachusetts (1997).  ATDD Contribution File # 97/4.

Saugier, B., A. Granier, J.Y. Pontailer, E. Dufrene, and D.D. Baldocchi.  Transpiration of a boreal pine forest, measured by branch bags, sapflow and micrometeorological methods.  Tree Physiology 17: 511 - 520 (1997).  ATDD Contribution File # 96/13.

Sellers, P.J., F.G. Hall, R.D. Kelly, A. Black, D. Baldocchi, J. Berry, H. Margolis, M. Ryan, J. Ranson, P. Crill, D. Lettenmaier, J. Cihlar, J. Newcomer, D. Halliwell, D. Fitzjarrald, P. Jarvis, S. Gower, D. Williams, B. Goodison, d. Wickland, and F. Guertin.  Boreas in 1997: Scientific results, experimental overview and future directions.  Journal of Geophysical Research 102: 28,731 - 28770 (1997).  ATDD Contribution File #

Sharkey, T.D., F. Loreto, D. Baldocchi, and A. Guenther.  The BEMA project: A North American perspective.  Atmospheric Environment 31: 251 - 255 (1997).  ATDD Contribution File # 98/02.

Vogel, C.A. and T.L. Crawford. Dissipation measurements in the Marine atmospheric surface layer.  Preprints of the 12th Symposium on Boundary Layers and Turbulence, July 28 - August 1, 1997, Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp 310 - 311.  ATDD Contribution File #

Wilson, K.B. and J.A. Bunce.  Effects of carbon dioxide concentration on the interactive effects of temperature and water vapor on stomatal conductance in soybeans.  Plant, Cell, and Environment 20: 230-238.  ATDD Contribution File #

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