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Helping Older
Adults Search for Health Information Online:
A Toolkit for Trainers Welcome to the Toolkit for Trainers, a resource developed by the National Institute on Aging. Use these free, easy-to-use training materials to help older adults find reliable, up-to-date online health information on their own. The training features two websites from the National Institutes of Health -- NIHSeniorHealth.gov and MedlinePlus.gov. Trainers can use the toolkit with beginning and intermediate students of the Web. Here's how to proceed:
(Downloading requires free Adobe Reader.) Introductory
"Introducing the Toolkit" [5
min, 43 sec] Lesson
*View text-only versions of the PDF files Download all lesson plans and training tools. File is large (29MB). For instructors and demonstrations: To save the Introductory Video, "Introducing the Toolkit," (MPEG-4 format, 13MB) to your computer for later use, select the file to download. The file is very large and should only be downloaded from high speed and cable connections. |