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Outstanding Senior Corps Volunteers Receive Spirit of Service Awards


On June 2, 2008, the Corporation for National and Community Service honored three outstanding Senior Corps volunteers and a private foundation for their extraordinary service with Spirit of Service Awards.  RSVP volunteer Joel Becker of Hauppauge, NY, is an Adopt-A-Family volunteer, focusing on assisting families in need. During his service, he noticed that the families had one thing in common: none had computers in the home so the kids were missing a valuable tool that could help them with their academic skills. He approached the RSVP of Suffolk County with a proposal to refurbish donated used computers and then install them in the homes of low-income families. That idea became the Community Computer Connections Program, sponsored by RSVP and managed by Becker. He works with the county’s health and welfare council to ensure that t he computers are received by families and individuals wit h the greatest need, and has recruited more than 30 other senior volunteers to help with the program.  Corporation Board Member Alan Solomont, Senior Corps Director Tess Scannell, and Corporation COO Elizabeth Seale presented the awards at the 2008 National Conference on Volunteering and Service.

Release Date: 6/2/2008
Photo Caption: On June 2, 2008, the Corporation for National and Community Service honored three outstanding Senior Corps volunteers and a private foundation for their extraordinary service with Spirit of Service Awards. RSVP volunteer Joel Becker of Hauppauge, NY, is an Adopt-A-Family volunteer, focusing on assisting families in need. During his service, he noticed that the families had one thing in common: none had computers in the home so the kids were missing a valuable tool that could help them with their academic skills. He approached the RSVP of Suffolk County with a proposal to refurbish donated used computers and then install them in the homes of low-income families. That idea became the Community Computer Connections Program, sponsored by RSVP and managed by Becker. He works with the county’s health and welfare council to ensure that t he computers are received by families and individuals wit h the greatest need, and has recruited more than 30 other senior volunteers to help with the program. Corporation Board Member Alan Solomont, Senior Corps Director Tess Scannell, and Corporation COO Elizabeth Seale presented the awards at the 2008 National Conference on Volunteering and Service.
Photo Credit: Corporation photo by M. T. Harmon, Office of Public Affairs
Photo Filename: cncs_08_0602_mh_0127

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