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Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum



  1. American Association of Variable Star Observers (AAVSO)

    AAVSO members are largely amateur astronomers dedicated to assisting researchers in making observations of variable stars. They collect and process around 300,000 photometric observations per year mostly of stellar light curves. By the way, the Sun is a variable star and AAVSO has a solar division.
  2. American Astronomical Society (AAS)

    The AAS is the major organization for astronomers in North America.
    AAS Education Office:
  3. Association for Astronomy Education

    The AAE is a grass roots organization comprising mostly K-12 astronomy educators. Annual meetings are at National NSTA conferences.
  4. Association of Science and Technology Centers (ASTC)

    ASTC is the largest professional society of museums and science centers in the world. Their membership totals more than 540 member centers in 40 countries. Science Center and Museum Members include not only science-technology centers and science museums, but also nature centers, aquariums, planetariums, zoos, botanical gardens, space theaters, and natural history and children's museums.
  5. Astronomical League

    Looking for a local star party or an amateur astronomer to work with your club? Then check out the Astronomical League web site. You can find contact information by state and county for over 300 amateur astronomy clubs (member societies) around the country.
  6. Astronomical Society of the Pacific

    The Astronomical Society of the Pacific is an excellent resource for many things such as activities and their Family ASTRO Program. They also have a listing of many great activities!
  7. Cassini Saturn Observation Campaign

    The Saturn Observation Campaign is comprised of more than 350 amateur and professional astronomers in 45 states and 50 countries around the world. The campaign's objective is to engage the public in the excitement of astronomy, using telescopes to view the planet Saturn (and other objects) during star parties and to provide the Cassini-Huygens Mission to Saturn talks and activities.

    Your local members plus US and world maps are here:
  8. Challenger Center

    Challenger Center was formed by the families of the astronauts who flew aboard the Challenger 51-L Space Shuttle. Their mission is to further the teaching of space science through a series of Challenger Learning Centers located in the US, Canada, and Great Britain.
  9. Community College Web

    Community colleges can provide a wonderful resource for your astronomy club. Many have planetariums or observatories and may hold open house events in astronomy. Find a local community college at:
  10. International Planetarium Society (IPS)

    The International Planetarium Society (IPS) is the largest organization of professional planetarians in the world. It is made up of members from almost every continent, and has nearly 20 smaller affiliate organizations associated with it.
    IPS Planetarium Finder: Looking for a planetarium near you? Look here. around.html
  11. NASA Education Enterprise

    NASA is out in front of all government agencies in their commitment to support formal and informal education. The NASA Education Enterprise was formed to develop new science and technology education programs and to provide best practices for other NASA education initiatives. You can check them out at: rstudents/postsecondary/contacts/cdirect_page.html
  12. NASA Educator Resource Centers (ERC)

    NASA Educator Resource Centers help teachers learn about and use NASA's educational resources. Personnel at ERCs located throughout the United States work with teachers to find out what they need and to share NASA's expertise. The ERCs provide educators with demonstrations of educational technologies such as NASA educational Web sites and NASA Television. ERCs provide inservice and preservice training utilizing NASA instructional products. Educators also have the opportunity to preview, copy, and receive NASA instructional products. Find one near you at:
    http://www.nasa .gov/audience/foreducators/informal/contacts/
  13. NASA Field Centers

    There are 11 NASA Field Centers dispersed across the country. These centers collectively contain all of NASA's in house expertise, technology, and resources. Each center has its own areas of expertise and focus. For a list of center education directors, go to: rstudents/postsecondary/contacts/cdirect_page.html
  14. NASA Space Science Education Support Network

    The NASA Office of Space Science (Now called the Science Mission) has developed a network of education support organizations grouped by space science discipline and by geographic region within the U.S.
  15. National Space Grant College and Fellowship Program

    The National Space Grant College and Fellowship program is a national network of colleges and universities working to expand opportunities for Americans to understand and participate in NASA's aeronautics and space programs by supporting and enhancing science, and engineering education, research, and outreach programs. There is one Space Grant College in every state and the District of Columbia.
  16. Solar System Ambassadors

    Volunteers recruited and trained by JPL bring planetary missions and discoveries into communities across the USA. In 1998-99 84 Ambassadors in 38 states reached over 250,000 people at various events.
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