CDSCC - exploring the Solar System and beyond
Feature Archive
The Adventure Continues... - 27 Jan 2006
+ Two Rovers, Two Years, One Incredible Planet

Long Days Journey Into Night... - 1 Jan 2006
+ The Last Unexplored World in the Solar System

Safe Travels Santa! We'll Be Watching... - 19 Dec 2005
+ Antennas around the world will be tracking Santa this Christmas

25 Years of Education, Outreach & Discovery... - 9 Dec 2005
+ Canberra Space Centre Marks A Milestone

Join the Search for Pieces of Stardust... - 24 Nov 2005
+ Stardust@Home makes you the space explorer

New Space Explorers on the Solar System Block... - 21 October 2005
+ Our solar system is about to be invaded...by Earth!

When Dinosaurs Roamed the Earth... - 14 September 2005
+ 'The Bronto' extends Canberra's reach into space...

Celebrating 40 Years of Discovery - 15 August 2005
+ A Celebration of 40 Years for Canberra's Link in the DSN...

Celebrating 40 Years of Discovery - 10 August 2005
+ Space Open Day launches into the Australian Science Festival...

A Spectacular Mission to a Celestial Traveller - 8 July 2005
+ Canberra DSN and Deep Impact...

First Look Inside a Comet - 20 June 2005
+ A Really Close Encounter...

Revealing the Lord of the Rings - 27 May 2005
+ Seeing Saturn's Rings as Never Before...

A More Balanced View - 5 May 2005
+ Upgrading Deep Space Station 43...

Radio Astronomy - Watering Holes - 11 April 2005
+ The Search for Black Holes continues...

Improving our Hearing - 1 April 2005
+ Upgrading Deep Space Station 34

CDSCC - 40 Years of Discovery - 10 February 2005
+ Marking forty years at Tidbinbilla

Huygens - Descent to Titan - 15 January 2005
+ Seeing Through the Haze

Christmas - Tracking Santa - 20 December 2004
+ Around the World in One Night

Cassini - Arrival at Saturn - 1 July 2004
+ Saturn Rings Australia

Genesis - Return to Earth - 1 September 2004
+ Here Comes the Sun

Celebrating 40 years of space communication operations, the CDSCC or Tidbinbilla Tracking Station as it is also known is managed by Raytheon Australia on behalf of the CSIRO and JPL/NASA.