Jefferson Lab > Theory Center
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Welcome to the Theory Center



The JLab Theory Center pursues a broad program of theoretical research in support of the physics being studied by the CEBAF experimental program. The center provides opportunities for post-doctoral fellows to develop professionally, trains PhD students, supports a strong visitor program, and advises the Laboratory on the scientific merit of its program and its plans for future development.


The center provides scientific leadership on the key issues to be addressed at CEBAF and related facilities around the world:

Education and Professional Development

The JLab Theory Center provides an opportunity for post-doctoral fellows to develop professionally by doing research in a supportive, intellectually stimulating environment. Through the affiliations of its members with neighboring universities, it trains PhD students and offers advanced courses in special topics needed for work in electronuclear physics. It provides opportunities for interested scientists to visit the Laboratory and work closely with theoretical and experimental colleagues.


The Theory Center helps describe the physics for lay audiences, advises the Laboratory on the scientific merit of proposed experiments, and provides leadership in developing advanced techniques for the analysis and interpretation of data. It plays an active role in planning the future of the Laboratory.