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USA Freedom Corps Partnering to Answer the President’s Call to Service

Monday, July 12, 2004

Office of the CEO


CEO Message on AmeriCorps Rulemaking - Transmittal to OMB


Dear Colleagues,

Today the Corporation, as directed by its Board of Directors, submitted a proposed rulemaking for the AmeriCorps program to the Office of Management and Budget (OMB), as required by the language of Public Law 108-199, the Corporation’s 2004 appropriations act. After OMB concludes its review of the rule, it will be published in the Federal Register, beginning another period of public comment.

We are grateful for the extremely high level of participation in the AmeriCorps rulemaking process so far. As you know, the Corporation took an extra step of seeking public input before drafting the proposed rule. During March and April, more than 500 people took advantage of the opportunity to provide input through conference calls, public meetings, and written comments.

The rule is designed to address, among other things, issues raised by the Congress, including ensuring program sustainability and reducing federal costs per AmeriCorps Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) member. Our goal is to proceed with this rulemaking in a way that is fair and equitable to our stakeholders, sensitive to the needs of a diverse field, allows more Americans to serve, makes the program more reliable, predictable, and accountable, and, most importantly, enables AmeriCorps to grow stronger and be better positioned for a successful future.

Once the rule is published, we will again embark on a lengthy period of public input. Information on ways to submit public comment will be on the rulemaking section of our AmeriCorps website at the day the rule is published.
Thank you again and we look forward to hearing your input and to continuing the dialogue once the rule has been published.

David Eisner, Chief Executive Officer
Corporation for National and Community Service

Rosie K. Mauk, Director of AmeriCorps
Corporation for National and Community Service


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